Making the National Language the Nation’s Language

Making the National Language the Nation’s Language

Key Points

  1. English Dominance Affects National Language Importance
    English is prioritized for global competition, leaving the national language reduced to basic communication.
  2. Students Struggle Understanding Concepts in English Instruction
    As English is not the first language, students face difficulty comprehending lessons taught in English.
  3. Job Market Challenges Due to Language Barriers Exist
    Poor English comprehension impacts graduates’ competitive edge in the evolving job market.
  4. Higher Education Relies on English Reference Material
    Most books and research materials at higher levels are in English, creating comprehension gaps.
  5. Translation and New Books Can Strengthen National Language
    Translating textbooks and writing new research in the national language can promote better understanding.

The national language currently serves only as a basic communication tool between communities. Due to English dominance, students struggle to fully grasp concepts, affecting their academic performance and job prospects. Higher education depends heavily on English materials, creating barriers for those weak in English. Translating reference books and promoting research in the national language can gradually strengthen its role. Celebrities and public figures should also promote the national language to influence societal behavior.

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