GK – Oneliner 01

  1. Hemming is the smallest bird
  2. The Supreme Commander of Pakistan Army is: President
  3. US-Afghanistan peace agreement in February 2020 was signed at: Doha
  4. The function of WTO is Trade related matters.
  5. In 2019 US deputy defense secretary warns which country about testing nuclear weapons: Syria
  6. The Arabian confluence ____________ temperature contrast in summer or winter to the coastal of Pakistan. Decrease
  7. Pure limestone is called __________ Calcium Carbonate
  8. Which gas is used in fire extinguisher? CO2
  9. In railway tracks, a small gap is left between the rails. To allow for the expansion during heat
  10. Syed Mehdi Ali was real name of: Mohsin ul Mulk
  11. When Pakistan conducted nuclear test: 28 May 1998
  12. Who abrogated 1962 Constitution and became CMLA? Yahya Khan
  13. Who was the first viceroy of British India? Canning
  14. When did Quaid-e-Azam join All India Muslim League: 1913
  15. The books “The Murder of History”, ” The Pakistani Historian” and “Britain and Muslim India were written by ___________ Khalid Khursheed Aziz
  16. The book Risala Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind was written by: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  17. Which country located in the west of Pakistan: Iran
  18. The smallest population country is: Vatican City
  19. As of 2017 how many countries were recognized as nuclear states? 08
  20. Which heating element is most effective? Nichrome
  21. The main purpose for UN framework convention on climate change is: to reduce emission of CO2
  22. Which method is used for next slide in Powerpoint? Enter, Space & Mouse
  23. Which of the following displays the content of active cell in MS Excel? Formula Bar
  24. In which language is source program written: High level
  25. In Email we can attach _______ Audio, Video & Text
  26. Which key is used to open new tab in internet explorer? CTRL+T
  27. Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in _________ Nabvi. 7th
  28. The first Ghazwa of Islam is: Abwa
  29. Coal is called Blac diamond.
  30. Lifespan of red Blood Cells is: 120 days
  31. Pakistan army has 9 corps.
  32. History of God is written by ‘Karen Armstrong’
  33. Vienna is a city located on: the bank of river Danube
  34. PTV started its transmission in: Nov. 26, 1964
  35. Capital city of Denmark is: Copenhagen
  36. First human heart transplant was performed by: Dr. Christian Barnard
  37. Polo game originated from __________ Iran
  38. World Inventor’s Day is celebrated on _____________9th November
  39. World Tuberculosis Day is observed on ____________24th March
  40. In which year was OIC founded in1969
  41. Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games in 1958 in: Tokyo
  42. First International Peace Congress was held in London in ? 1843 AD
  43. Headquarters of UNO are situated at ? New York, USA
  44. During World War II, when did Germany attack France ? 1940
  45. Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the members of UNO in ? 1992
  46. Fire temple is the place of worship of which of the following religion ? Zoroastrianism (Parsi Religion)
  47. Second most populous country in the world is ___________? India
  48. Indonesia is situated in: South-East Asia
  49. Denmark is Situated in? Northern Europe
  50. The Industrial revolution first took place in: England
  51. Who among the following was a poet of the Italian Renaissance? A Dante
  52. The “Communist Manifesto” was first published in? German
  53. The deepest place on earth is ____________? Mariana Trench
  54. The Continent Antarctica lies at the__________? South pole
  55. The famous book; Al – Qanun was written by the Muslim scientist ? Abu Ali Sina
  56. Florence city is located in which country? Italy
  57. The gas commonly known as Laughing gas is: Nitrous Oxide
  58. Which celebrity was awarded Pride of Performance in 2005? Arif Lohar
  59. Hemisphere is warmer according to: Northern to Southern
  60. When was Quaid-e-Azam first appointed as Third Presidency Magistrate in Bombay? 1900
  61. T-20 World Cup 2024 will be held in which country? West Indies & USA
  62. Chaj Doab les between which two rivers? Chenab-Jhelum
  63. What is the share of forest covered area of the total geographical area of the world? 30%
  64. The focal point of Human Rights Organization is: UN Human Rights Council
  65. The first ever nuclear bomb was detonated in: New Mexico
  66. Who was the last ruler of Lodi Dynasty? Ibrahim Lodhi
  67. Name the acid which is present in the sting of ants? Formic Acid
  68. In the Interim Government of 1946 the Ministry of finance was placed under ___________ Liaquat Ali Khan
  69. When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed? 1950
  70. What is the old name of Myanmar? Burma
  71. Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on______________? 1947
  72. Pakistan is expected to harvest wheat crop with the first month of which Mela? Baisakhi
  73. Faiz Ahmed Faiz was arrested in Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case in: 1951
  74. When wicket keeper bails out the wickets and Batsman did not go for a run what type of out ? Stump
  75. Dr. Abdus Salam Awarded Nobel Prize having work on which basic forces? Weak and Electro Magnetic
  76. To make an uncharged object to have a negative charge we must: Add some Electrons
  77. In 1946 Which Organization proposed the elimination of Nuclear Weapons: UN General Assembly
  78. BIOS is used as: Operating System
  79. Which key is used for one page down in word: Page down
  80. Which pass is known as Roof of the world? Shandur Pass
  81. First nobel prize was awarded in 1901
  82. First Captain of Pakistan Women Cricket ODI and Test matches was Shazia Khan.
  83. Where is Qadam Gah of Mola Ali RA located ? Hyderabad Sindh
  84. Famous love story of Sohni Mahiwal is associated with which river? Chenab
  85. In which city Hran Minnar is located? Sheikhupura
  86. The longest river of Pakistan is? Indus
  87. The least polluted gas is? Chlorine
  88. Iran China sign Strategic deal in Tehran on which date? 27-March 2021
  89. Which country’s deforestation rate is the highest in Asia? Afghanistan
  90. Black Buck re-introduced in which desert of Pakistan? Cholistan
  91. Who gave a speech called Where do Human Rights Begin? Franklin D. Roosevelt
  92. When was Islamia College Peshawar established? 1913
  93. Arctic region of earth contains how many reserves of earth? 25%
  94. Beirut is the capital city of ? Labanon
  95. Which country has recently launched its first semi-heavy missile-equipped submarine, dubbed as Fatah? Iran
  96. Pakistan joined South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) in the year? 1954
  97. Kobe Bryant of US died earlier in Helicopter crash in: California
  98. The weight of an object of an object at the center of the earth of radius R is: Zero
  99. How do you tell from one cell to another: Address
  100. Which of the following is a single user system: Linux
  101. RAM is: Volatile
  102. Which of the following you can paste using paste special command: Validation, Formulas & Formats
  103. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called: Machine Language
  104. Pakistan National Movement was formed by _________ Ch Rehmat Ali 1933
  105. India did airstrikes in 2019. When India had striked it before? 1971
  106. King Bhumibol, world’s longest-reigning monarch has died at age 88 in October-2016 belong to? Thailand
  107. BRICS Summit held on 15-16 October-2016 in? Goa (India)
  108. Which country operated the world’s largest radio telescope Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope in September-2016? China
  109. Which river does NOT flow from Jammu and Kashmir? Ravi
  110. The severity of 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on Richter scale was ? 7.6
  111. The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis is? 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec
  112. The capital of Iceland is ___________? Reykjavik
  113. Which country were involved in 100 year war? England and France
  114. Maximum spoken language in the world is____________? Mandarin
  115. The largest automobile manufacturing center in the world is located at ? Detroit
  116. Kashmir is a part of: China, Pakistan & India
  117. When Saudi Arab allow women to join army? 26 February 2018
  118. Our earth is divided into how many climate zones: Three
  119. When Nidwa tul Ulema established: 1898
  120. Thomas Edison is famous for inventing: Bulb
  121. Bronze is an alloy of: Copper-Tin
  122. Which country has largest nuclear power plant? Japan
  123. When Sir Syed Ahmed Khan died? 27 March 1898
  124. First Viceroy of British India was: Canning
  125. National School of Public Policy was established in: Lahore
  126. FAO stands for: Food and Agriculture Organization
  127. When Pakistan declared Corona emergency: 13 March 2020
  128. Gold, Silver and copper are _________ minerals. Natural
  129. The ruler of Junagarh at the time of independence was: Muslim
  130. Punjab Government established a body for women protection in 2017: Punjab Women Protection Authority
  131. The continental shelf was one of the ___________ treaties that agreed on the First convention of UN on Law of Sea. Three
  132. When military operation stopped in East Pakistan in 1971: May
  133. When Doha Agreement was settled between US and Afghanistan that ensures that Afghanistan soil could not be used against: US and Its allies
  134. The law that prohibits state and local law enforcement from targeting a person on the basis of racism, religious and national origin: End Racial and Religious Profiling Act
  135. The Palestinian uprising against Israel occupation of West Bank to Gaza from 1987 to 1991 is termed as: First Intifada
  136. The largest lake of Pakistan is: Manchar
  137. Louvre Museum is in: France
  138. Catherine Palace is in: Saint Petersburg
  139. Who was the main leader behind Lucknow Pact? Jinnah
  140. Who requested Ahmed Shah Abdali to come India in 18th century? Shah Wali Ullah
  141. When did the tragedy of Jalian wala Bagh take place? 1919
  142. Who started Commrade from Calcutta? Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
  143. In 1952 in London many people died due to air pollution caused by: Smog
  144. Nagorno-Karabakh is a disputed region between: Armenia and Azerbaijan
  145. Which article of 1973 constitution is related to equally before law? 25
  146. Cyprus is a disputed area between Turkey and __________ Greece
  147. The Secretariat of the Association was *set up in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 17 January 1987.
  148. SAARC has *eight* member countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka
  149. Richter scale is used to measure the intensity of Earthquakes
  150. Mangla Dam is constructed on river Jhelum
  151. Quaid-i-Azam resigned from congress in 1920
  152. Operation Fair Play was the code name for the military coup d’état conducted on 5 July 1977 by Pakistan Chief of Army Staff.
  153. Which author has been selected for the Booker Prize 2020 for his work Shuggie Bain? Douglas Stuart
  154. Which country gets most monsoon rain? South & East Asia
  155. The Accord signed between UAE and Israel is named as: Abraham
  156. _________ contain two nuclei? Paramecium
  157. The highest mountains of Hindukush range is: Tirch Mir
  158. Which of the following female mosquito is the cause of Dengue fever? Aedes Aegypteis
  159. The culture of _________ roots in Indus Valley Civilization. Sindh
  160. Rawal Dam is constructed on which river? Kurang
  161. Other than limestone which is soluble in Karst Topography: Gypsum  & Dolomite
  162. Function of transformer: Covert high AC to Low AC Voltages & Convert Low AC to High AC Voltages
  163. The areas 5-degree N to 5-degree S of the Equator is called ______ Doldrums
  164. The averages temperature of Pacific Ocean in summer or winter is _________ Decreased
  165. United Nations election in 2020 is about: To select non-permanent members of UN Security Council
  166. Who was the first Shaheed in Pakistan movement? Abdul Malik
  167. Which community is in majority in Kashmir at the time of Independence? Muslims
  168. Radioactivity was discovered by _________ Becquerel
  169. Pakistan named _______ in commemoration of nuclear test at 28 May 1998. Youm Takbeer
  170. Who first built fully practical plane? Wright Brothers
  171. Lahore the area of Punjab joins which city to India? Amritsar
  172. A person who reads the Kalima of Islam verbally and calls himself Muslim but disbelieves it heartily is called a: Hypocrite
  173. August 4, 2020 the government published a map of Pakistan and announced that if anybody using incorrect map of Pakistan, he will face : Five Million fine & Five years jail
  174. Seek time is _______ Time to position the head over proper sector
  175. Initially deleted file is sent to ________ Recycle Bin
  176. In MS Excel data can be arranged by: Data Sort
  177. In Website we move from one place to another by: Pointer
  178. What do you call a collection of records matching parameters of query? Dynaset
  179. Name the first written constitution of the world? Meeseq e Madina
  180. Who freed Hazrat Bilal (RA) from slavery? Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
  181. The time of Nafli Itekaf is: 3 days
  182. Which battle is referred to as Yaumul Furqan? Badr
  183. When Cyprus was conquered. 28 Hijri
  184. Who put circles for the first time in Quran-e-Pak? Hazrat Abu al aswad douli (RA)
  185. Ziarat-e-Tawaf is _______ Farz
  186. Kashmir valley purchase by Gulab Singh for: 7.5 Million
  187. The first woman deputy chairman of senate of Pakistan was: Dr. Noor Jahan
  188. The highest peak of koh-e-suleman is:  Takht-e-suleman
  189. Rawalpindi conspiracy case initiated in: 1951
  190. Hingol dam is situated in: Baluchistan
  191. NATO founded in: 1949
  192. After leaving American forces who takes the charge of Kabul airport: Turkey
  193. The capital of Turkey is: Ankara
  194. The capital of Sindh is: Karachi
  195. Mound of Dead is also known as: Mohenjo Daro
  196. The purest form of water can be obtained from: Rain water
  197. Which gas is used in balloons: Helium
  198. The earth rotates around its: Axis
  199. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan got fame due to his association with: Qawali
  200. The CEO of Amazon is: Andy Jassy
  201. Pakistan connected which country with wakhan corridor: Tajikistan
  202. Siachen glacier is which range: Karakoram
  203. How many members have cabinet mission plan: 3
  204. Bitcoin currency first introduced in which university: Nicosia
  205. What wants AJK frontier people during 1947 independence: Independence from Pakistan and India
  206. Which vitamin obtained from sun: D
  207. Which famous actor debut from drama Umrao Jaan Ada in 2003: Imran Abbas
  208. Jallianwala bagh massacre is related to which general: Gen.Dyer 13 April 1919
  209. Who was the viceroy at the time Shimla conference: Lord Wavell
  210. The last ruler of USSR was: Mikhail Gorbachev
  211. Harappa is situated in: Sahiwal
  212. Pakistan, the formative phase, book wrote by: Khalid B. Saeed
  213. Which gas is used in Airships: Helium
  214. The average weight of male brain is: 49 ounce
  215. Schengen area means: Free movement without passport being check
  216. Elon Musk: boiler room cleaner
  217. Oprah: grocery clerk
  218. Warren Buffett: paperboy
  219. Sheryl Sandberg: aerobics teacher
  220. Mark Cuban: sold garbage bags
  221. Steve Jobs: assembly line worker
  222. Bill Gates: programmer
  223. Michael Dell: dishwasher
  224. Jeff Bezos: McDonald’s cook
  225. First State to Join Pakistan is Bahawalpur
  226. Swat & Chitral Joined Pakistan in 1969
  227. Hunza Joined in 1974
  228. Biggest state was the Kashmir at the Time of Independence
  229. Makran acceded to Pakistan on 17 March 1948
  230. Out of 565 Princely states 13 states acceded to Pakistan
  231. Great bear is a : Lake
  232. First ruler of slave dynasty was: Qutb ud Din aibak
  233. Who was the president of USA during Cuban missile U2 incident in 14 October 1962: John F. Kennedy
  234. What is the purpose of Marshal Plan in 1948: Foreign aid to western Europe
  235. Pakistani player Hassan Habib is associated with which sports: Poker
  236. Pakistan won cricket world cup in: 1992
  237. Which player remain champion in squash for 5 years: Jahangir Khan
  238. Which country is situated in both Asia and Africa: Egypt
  239. Keti Bunder is situated in which province: Sindh
  240. Israel attacked Masjid-e-Aqsa on which date: 10 May 2021
  241. Indian parliament passed citizenship act on which date: 11 December 2019
  242. Ojhri camp incident occurred in: 1988
  243. If rooms are not ventilated then which gas is produced in room: Radon
  244. Which is the largest continent by population: Asia
  245. Pervaiz Musharaf sentenced according to which article of 1973 constitution: 06
  246. Who wrote the Book Spirit of Islam: Syed Ameer Ali
  247. Who wrote the book Foundation of Pakistan: Abul Hassan
  248. Which shortcut key is used to move the next page: CTRL+Page down
  249. Vitamin A is present in: Vegetables and leaves
  250. What is Donbas: Disputed territory between Russia and Ukraine
  251. State bank of Pakistan was inaugurated on: 1st July 1948 by Quaid-e-Azam
  252. Which country will host 2034 Asian games: Saudi Arabia
  253. Which instrument is used to convey information signal from place to another: Transmitter
  254. The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium: Remains same
  255. Binary coded decimal is a combination of: Four Binary Digits
  256. In MS Word which key is used to start new line: Enter
  257. Fifth column refers to: Treachery
  258. What is the other name of free software: Open-Source Software & Public domain software
  259. All India Muslim League was formed in: 1906 at Dhakka
  260. CENTO Stands for: Central Treaty Organization
  261. Name the first Federal Muslim woman US attorney: Saima Mohsin
  262. Which key is used for new slide in PowerPoint: CTRL +M
  263. LASER Stands for ________ Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
  264. Masjid e Qartaba is in: Spain
  265. Physical part of computer is called: Hardware
  266. Which key is used for help: F1
  267. In MS Excel how many worksheets in workbook by default: 03
  268. Zircon hypersonic cruise missile was tested by: Russia
  269. Which country is affected by typhoon Goni: Philippines
  270. How many times sound travel faster than air: Four
  271. Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) Wife Shehr Bano was daughter of: Yazdgard III
  272. 18th Amendment was made part of 1973 constitution: 19-04-2010
  273. Liaquat Ali Khan was killed by: Saeed Akbar
  274. Ibn-e-Sina was born in: Bukhara
  275. Al Mansoor Abbasid Caliphate was brother of: Abbas Al Saffah
  276. Mesopotamia word originated from: Greek
  277. Mesopotamia means: Land between two rivers
  278. John Marshal excavated Mohenjo-Daro in: 1922
  279. The Ice burg dubbed A-76 is which sea: Weddell Sea
  280. Fourth world refers to which countries: Somalia, Yemen
  281. Who is known as Conquer of Egypt: Hazrat Umar Bin Al Aas (R.A)
  282. Which US president gave New World Order at the time of USSR disintegration: Bush Senior
  283. When US President Franklin Roosevelt introduced Day Performance of Government? 1933
  284. Full grown tree absorbs annually how much carbon dioxide? 48 Pounds
  285. Buland Darwaza associated with which mosque? Jamia Masjid
  286. Land in Mughal Period assigned to which People? Ulema and Scholars
  287. Diwan-e-Al Zimma in Abbasid Period associated with? Account and Audit
  288. How much percentage Housing contributes to Pakistan GDP? 0.25%
  289. Agra fort constructed by: Akbar
  290. Which of the following tool bar used to access menu bar and tool bar quickly: Access Toolbar
  291. Treaty of Lausanne Signed in: 1923
  292. When did Japan Attack Russian: 1905
  293. Prior to 19th century Ottoman empire main rival was? Russia
  294. Atmospheric pressure is measured by: Barometer
  295. Blood pressure is measured by: Sphygmomanometer
  296. Bolan Pass connects: Sibi with Quetta
  297. The “Babusar Pass” connected: Abbottabad and Gilgit
  298. Lawari Pass connects Dir with Chitral
  299. Malakand Pass connects Peshawar with Chitral.
  300. Muztagh pass connects Baltistan with Yarkand

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