GK – Oneliner 02

  1. Gomal Pass connects Pakistan and Afghanistan
  2. Shandur Pass connects: Chitral with Gilgit
  3. Shangla Pass connects: Upper Sawat with Lower Sawat
  4. Khanjrab pass connect : Pakistan with China
  5. Khojak pass connects : Qila Abdullah with Chaman
  6. Which Prophet had minimum age: Hazrat Essa AS
  7. PM Narendra Modi launched Ram Temple Foundation on____ 5th Aug, 2020
  8. World Hepatitis Day Observed: 28 July
  9. Members:  Bait e Uqba e Awal 12 and Bait e Uqba e Sani 75
  10. When Hazart Umar (R, A) conquered Bait ul Moqudas: 16 AH
  11. Syria is in which region: Middle East
  12. Argentina was colonized by which country: Spain
  13. Portugal was colonized by: Spain
  14. Volume of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure what would be in it volume when pressure is doubled: Become half
  15. Pakistan considered a Bridge between: Central Asian countries
  16. In which year Mughal Maulvi Syed Mumtaz Ali and his Second wife Muhammad Ali begum published Gender equality magazine? 1898
  17. Earthquake Intensity measured by: Richter Scale
  18. Jang-e-Yamama fought in the era of? Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
  19. Last king of Iran during 1979 Revolution? M Raza Shah Pehlvi
  20. During the Khilafat Movement Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar Advised Muslim to migrate to? Afghanistan
  21. Who was the Founder of Bahawalpur State? Nawab Bahawal
  22. According to Indus Water Treaty Mangla Dam build on which river? Jhelum in 1967
  23. Which famous leader is known with the title of Quaid-e-Millat? Liaquat Ali Khan
  24. Which of the following PM is former ambassador to USA? Muhammad Ali Bogra
  25. In which Movement Claimed land belong to Allah no one can leave tax and rule? Farazi Movement
  26. Wavell Plan Presented in which conference? Simla Conference 1945
  27. Who was the Head of Cabinet Mission? Lord Pathic Lawrence
  28. Nadir Shah belongs to which country? Iran
  29. Partition of Bengal in 1905 announced by? Lord Curzon
  30. During British administration in which year Shimla declared as Summer Capital of British India? 1864
  31. Which of the following was Contemporary of Eight Indian Ruler? Ameer Khusro
  32. When Qutub ud din Aibak official announcement Delhi Sultanate? 1206
  33. Aligarh Movement was started by? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  34. At the time of 1857 war of independence Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Sadar Amin of? Bijanaur
  35. Chakravarty Raja Gopalachari Formula Presented in: April 1944
  36. Basic Democracies and introduced by president? Ayub Khan in May 1959
  37. Geneva Accord Between Pakistan and? Afghanistan in 1988
  38. Urdu Hindi Controversy was started in? 1867 from Banaras
  39. Objective Resolution was passed in? 12 March 1949
  40. Objective Resolution was presented in? 7 March 1949
  41. War of Independence stated in? 10 May 1857
  42. How many years Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) spent in Mecca after Prophethood? 13
  43. How many Muslims Participated in Ghazwa Badar? 313
  44. Who stood against Akbar Deen-i-Ilahi? Khawaja Baki Billah
  45. Who was the architect of Deccan Policy? Aurangzeb
  46. Iberian Peninsula Muslim forced conversion to Christianity: Moriscos
  47. President Muhammad Al Gaddafi belong to which country? Libya
  48. Military commander of Sultan Abdul Hameed? Hassan Pasha
  49. To convert Word file into PDF file which of the following Command use? Save as
  50. Which instrument is used to receive radio waves from objects in space: Radio Telescope
  51. Who invented chronometer: John Harrison
  52. Geology – Study of the structure of the Earth
  53. One barrel is equal to how many US gallons: 42
  54. How many furlongs in one mile: 8
  55. Radio activity is measured by: Becquerel
  56. The Dynamo is device for converting: Mechanical energy into electrical energy
  57. The Italian sparrow is the national bird of Italy.
  58. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was about fifteen years old when a sacrilegious war or Harb-ul-Fijar broke out between the Quraish and Hawazin tribes .
  59. A Drone can be traced by: Laser
  60. MS Dhoni played in his 350th ODI. He announced his retirement from all forms of international cricket on: 15 August 2020
  61. MS Dhoni played in his 350th ODI. He announced his retirement from all forms of international cricket on: 15 August 2020
  62. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Pakistani vocalist Died: August 16, 1997 and Born: October 13, 1948, Faisalabad
  63. Electric Current is measured by: Ammeter
  64. Gessoes pressure is measured by: Monometer
  65. Wind pressure is measured by: Anemometer
  66. Specific gravity of liquid is measured by: Hydrometer
  67. Minute electric current is measured by: Galvanometer
  68. Which international organization has no headquarter: G8
  69. Darghai pass connects: Malakand with Mardan
  70. Khyber pass connects: Peshawar with Kabul
  71. Time is measured by: Chronometer
  72. Purification of milk is measured by: Lactometer
  73. Ocean depth is measured by: Fathometer
  74. Humidity is measured by: Hygrometer
  75. Basra city in Iraq is situated on the bank of  river: Shatt al arab
  76. Dermatology is study of: Skin
  77. First synthetic fiber made by man: Nylon
  78. Type of Glass used in making lenses and Prism: Flint Glass
  79. Major ingredient of leather: Collagen
  80. Glass is made of the mixture of: Sand and Silica
  81. Isotopes can be separated by: Distillation
  82. Old written material can be easily read by: Infra-Red Rays.
  83. Weigh of Javelin throw of Female is: 600 gram and Male 800 gram
  84. Who invented the lift: G.S. Otis
  85. Who is father of Genetics: Grogery Mendal
  86. Who was the First to observe ultraviolet Rays: William Ritter
  87. Blood Group was discovered by: Karl Landsteiner
  88. Transistor was discovered by: Bardeen and Shokley
  89. Dendrology is associated with the study of: Wooden Plants
  90. Study of life in outer space is called: Exobiology New name Astrobiology
  91. Petrology deals with: Study of Rocks in Earth Crust
  92. Science deals with production, control and application of very low temperature is called: Cryogenics
  93. The scientific study of aging is called: Gerontology
  94. Petrol engine was invented by: Nikolaus Otto
  95. Mercury thermometer was invented by: Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
  96. The blood sucking organisms are: Leeches
  97. Which country becomes world’s first country to develop COVID-19 vaccine: Russia
  98. Snake bite first affects the: Blood Circulation
  99. The only snake which builds a Nest: King Cobra
  100. Pakistan is situated in which continent? Asia
  101. Second Governor General of Pakistan? Khawaja Nazim Ud Din
  102. Gandhara Civilization belong to which religion? Buddhism
  103. Zaheer ud Din Babur buried near the Garden? Kabul
  104. First recipient of Nishan-e-Haider? Capt. Muhammad Sarwar
  105. Quaid-e-Azam said who is the Show Boy of Congress? Abul Kalam Azad
  106. Which Protein Factory for RNA? Ribo Somes
  107. Second Highest Peak of the world? K2
  108. Who composed music of National anthem? A.G. Chagla
  109. Khilifat committee was formed in which city? Bombay
  110. Who translated Objective Resolution into Urdu? Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
  111. Who introduced modern history of Philosophy: Dr. Gibbon
  112. Where is the headquarter of SAARC? Kathmandu Nepal
  113. Father of History of Psychology? Wilhem Wundt
  114. Who was the last President of USSR? Mikhail Gorbachev
  115. Anglo Afghan Treaty was concluded in? 1919
  116. Transgender Act passed in Pakistan? 2018
  117. Civil government of Turkey was formed in? 1923
  118. Ali Wardi the Nawab of Bengal Invaded Germany? 1740
  119. of the following was the style of Mughal Architect? Indo-Persian
  120. After Trafalgar battle which European country dominant navel superiority? France
  121. Who made August Offer: Lord Linlithgow
  122. Which of the following country recognize Pakistan first? Iran
  123. Shimla Deputation of 1906 led by? Sir Agha Khan
  124. Total members 35 OPEC was founded in: 1960
  125. Last ruler of Ummayad Dynasty? Marwan II
  126. Who ordered the Compilation of Ahadith and sent to the Conquered territories? Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz RA
  127. President Johnson made a Policy regarding Poverty Alleviation. This act is known as? Economic Opportunity Act
  128. Artistic Litary Musical and Intellectual Movement Originated in Europe? Romanticism
  129. Who is Oriana Fallaci: Journalist
  130. Who was author of 95 thesis? Martin Luther King
  131. Which king started Khumb ka Mela? Harshavardhana
  132. Age of Hazrat Usman RA at the time of martyrdom? 80
  133. The capital of Ummayad dynasty was? Damascus
  134. Brass is an alloy of Copper and zinc.
  135. Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Tin.
  136. Bell metal is an alloy of Copper and Tin
  137. Stainless Steel Alloy Chromium and Nickel
  138. The average salinity of Sea Water 3.5℅
  139. Monazite is an ore of Thorium
  140. 24 Carat is Pure Gold.
  141. The ratio of pure gold in 18 Carat gold: 75%
  142. In fireworks, the green flame is produced because of: Barium
  143. Potassium nitrate is used in Fertilizers
  144. Purest form of Iron Wrought Iron
  145. First metal discovered by man Copper
  146. The metal that is present in Photo Films is Mercury
  147. Titanium is also called the Strategic Metal
  148. Chemical name for Urea Carbamide
  149. Which gas is used in cylinders for cooking: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
  150. LPG is composed mainly of propane and butane, while natural gas is composed of the lighter methane and ethane.
  151. Permanent hardness of Water may be removed by addition of: Sodium Carbonate (Washing Soda)
  152. Most important ore of Aluminum: Bauxite
  153. Which water is best conductor of Electricity: Sea Water
  154. Lightest metal Lithium
  155. Radium is obtained from which mineral: Pitchblende (Uranium)
  156. Sodium metal is kept under: Kerosene
  157. Non-Stick utensils are coated with: Teflon
  158. The historical city of Babylon stood on the bank of river: Euphrates
  159. How many years Congress Ministries lasted? Two
  160. Vand-e-Mataram written by Bankin Chandra Chatterjee is the ________ novel? Anandamath
  161. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by: Quaid-e-Azam in 1st July 1948
  162. The Pamphlet Now or Never was written in 1933 by ______ Ch. Rehmat Ali
  163. Rissala Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind was written by: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  164. World War I started in: 1914
  165. Last Guru of Sikhism was: Gobind Singh
  166. The Battle of Tarain was fought between: Muhammad of Ghori and Prithviraj
  167. The first Battle of Panipat was fought between _______ Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi in 1526
  168. Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt signed on: 17th September 1978
  169. Silk road connect Pakistan with which country? China
  170. 1973 Constitution provides which system for govern a country? Parliamentary System
  171. After Nehru Report, The Fourteen Points were presented by: Quaid-e-Azam in 1929
  172. When East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan? 16th December 1971
  173. Allama Muhammad Iqbal delivered his famous Allahabad Address in: 1930
  174. The second battle of Panipat was fought between? Akbar and Hemu in 1556
  175. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in Amritsar took place on: 13th April 1919
  176. Arabian Sea lies in which direction of Pakistan? South
  177. Urdu Hindi Controversy started in: 1867 in Banaras
  178. When Iraq invaded Kuwait? August 1990
  179. Which device is used to enter data into a computer? Input
  180. Which one is output device? Printer
  181. Sea water contains chlorine and __________ Iodine
  182. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition. She burst _______ tears. Into
  183. Indian National Congress was formed on 28, December, 1885 by British civil servant. A.O Hume
  184. US came Pakistan after which major event? 9/11 Attack
  185. Who was the Founder of Gupta Dynasty? Chandra Gupta
  186. CPEC is also called as ________ for Pakistan? Game Changer
  187. Who was the founder of Bahawalpur State? Nawab Bahawal
  188. NAFTA Stands for: North American Free Trade Agreement
  189. In 1875 Muhammadan Anglo Oriental School founded by: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  190. F.E Chaudary is a: Photographer
  191. Lost Golden City found in_______ Syria
  192. How to copy data from one excel sheet to another excel sheet? Paste Special
  193. French Republic Capital: Paris.
  194. Federal republic  with Bicameral legislature , Upper house is Senate and Lower house is Camber of Deputies.
  195. The eighth largest country in the world, it is the second largest country in South America after Brazil.
  196. Argentina is bordered by the  Andes Mountains_(longest mountain range in the world) and Chile to the west.
  197. Lionel Messi famous soccer player is from the Argentina, recently he scored two goals in FIFA world cup 2022 versus France and achieved title of World Cup football champion.
  198. Chaudhary Khaliquzaman became president of ML after Quaid Azam.
  199. The first US ambassador to Pakistan, Paul H. Alling, was appointed on September 20,1947
  200. Who was the British Prime Minister at the time of the partition of India: Attlee
  201. Secretary of State for India in 1947: Lord Listowel
  202. Chicago is called as the: Windy city.
  203. Who first time announced in English “This is Pakistan Broadcasting Service” at the time of creation of Pakistan: Mr. Zahoor Azar
  204. Who first time announced in Urdu “This is Pakistan Broadcasting Service” at the time of creation of Pakistan: Ghulam Mustafa Hamdani
  205. Nelson Mandela got Nishan e Pakistan in which year:1992
  206. When Nelson Mandela got noble prize: 1993
  207. Nelson Mandela Bornon: 18 July 1918  and Died on: 05 December 2013
  208. Who translate Israr e Khudi in English: Nicholson
  209. Pakistan became an FAO member country on: 7 September 1947
  210. China is the world’s second-largest arms producer, behind the US Exporter First USA ???????? Second Russia
  211. Which Princely state India unlawfully occupied in November 1947: Junagadh
  212. Which Princely state India unlawfully occupied in September 1948: Hyderabad
  213. City Rome different names : Eternal City, City of Pope’s, City of Seven Hills, The Imperial City
  214. Time period of Hisham Bin Abdul Malik is: 19 years
  215. Where is the headquarter of Asian Development bank? Manila founded in 1966
  216. Which day is observed as Thalassemia Day? 8th May
  217. To convert word into PDF we can use: Save as
  218. When Pakistan started full diplomatic relations with Bangladesh? 1974
  219. First Battle for Islam fought with Quresh was: Badar 2 AH
  220. Who was the founder of Ummayad Dynasty? Hazrat Ameer Muavia RA
  221. Who wrote National Anthem of Pakistan? Hafeez Jalandhari
  222. Who was the first Governor General of Pakistan? Quaid-e-Azam
  223. Abbasid made which city as their first capital? Baghdad
  224. Urdu Hindi Controversy was started in? 1867 from Banaras
  225. Who said This world is full of sorrow? Siddhartha
  226. Orange Revolution is related to which country? Ukraine
  227. When Taliban talked started in early 2020? February
  228. Yemen Crises started in: 2011
  229. First Ummayad Caliph in Spain was: Abdur Rehman III
  230. Asabiyyah, a concept of social solidarity with an emphasis on unity was given by _______ ? Ibn-e-Khuldun
  231. Which Movement started in Bengal? Farizi Movement
  232. Polio Vaccine was developed by: Jonas Salk
  233. Mohmand dam is proposed to be constructed on _______ River? Swat
  234. Baloch Culture Day is celebrated by the Balochi people annually on _______ 2nd March
  235. Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband was founded by _______ Muhammad Qasim Nanautvi
  236. Study of Coins in research methodology is: Numismatics
  237. Durand Line was drawn between the two countries ______ Pakistan & Afghanistan in 1893.
  238. Boarder between Pakistan Afghanistan is 2611 km
  239. The slowest response while collecting data is: Email
  240. How to open a presentation in PowerPoint? Ctrl+O
  241. Anemometer is used to measure: Wind Speed
  242. Mention date of agreement between Pakistan and Bosnia for illegal trafficking? 4th November 2020
  243. Battle of Kannauj in 1540 was fought between: Sher Shah Suri and Humayun
  244. Swadeshi Movement was first started from: Bengal
  245. Faraizi Movement was started in 1828 by: Haji Shariat Ullah
  246. Sino-Afghan boundary treaty signed on November 22, _______ 1963
  247. Which Mughal Emperor Strengthen East India Company? Jahangir
  248. Highest number of deaths caused by: heart disease
  249. Who was the Commander of Infidels in Ghazwa Ohad: Abu Sufyan
  250. The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) established due to the threat of: Communism/Soviet
  251. Where is the Headquarter of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)? Jeddah founded in 1969
  252. When Pakistan joined Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a full member? 2017
  253. MQM boycotted the general elections and officially changed the name Muhajir to Muttahida in: 1997
  254. Which Software is used for open pages? Browser
  255. Name the person who first translated the Holy Quran in Persian? Shah Wali Ullah
  256. The Nationalization Policy was introduced during the period of? Zulifqar Ali Bhutto
  257. Qutbuddin Aibak founded the Delhi Sultanate in: 1206
  258. How many rings are there in the Olympic Flag? 05
  259. Study of Ancient Writing System is called? Paleography
  260. Zul Norain is the title of: Hazrat Usman RA
  261. The first Round Table Conference was held on: 1930
  262. Eighteenth Amendment bill to the Constitution of Pakistan was passed by the Senate of Pakistan? 9th September 2008
  263. Lahore Declaration signed between Pakistan and India in: 1999
  264. What was the number of clauses of Charter of Madina? 47
  265. The Book Khutbat-e- Ahamdia is written by: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  266. K-2 is located is between which countries: Pakistan-China
  267. The duration of Hazrat Umar RA Khilafat was? 10 Years 6 Months
  268. Jabir Bin Hayan was a famous Muslim: Chemist
  269. Guddu Barrage is situated in which province? Sindh
  270. When East India Company came into existence England was ruled by the: Stuarts
  271. Jahangiri Mahal is sitauted in: Agra Fort
  272. City of Aghra was founded by: Sikandar Lodhi
  273. In which town of Kerala did Vasco da Gama landed in 1498: Calicut
  274. Which is the biggest port during Mughal Empire: Surat
  275. Surat was the largest and most important port of the Mughal empire
  276. Akbar’s land revenue system is called as: Zabti System
  277. Raja Todar Mal, as finance minister of Akbar, introduced a new system of revenue known as zabt and a system of taxation called dahshala
  278. Which Mughal king was regarded as Zinda Peer: Aurangzaib
  279. Before the rise of Ranjit Singh Lahore was under control of: Marhattas
  280. Where did Babur died: Died at Agra and Buried at Kabul.
  281. The designation Amil in Akbar’s time meant: Revenue Officers
  282. Greatest ruler of Kashmir in the 15th century: Zain Ul Abideen
  283. Nishat Garden was built by: Asif Khan
  284. The Bagh was designed and built in 1633 by Asif Khan, elder brother of Nur Jehan.It is the second-largest Mughal garden in Kashmir after Shalimar Bagh.
  285. Charminar, the Mosque of the four minarets, was built by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah in 1591. Hyderabad, Deccan
  286. National Anthem of Pakistan was played for first time on: 13th August, 1954 in front of Raza Shah Pahlavi of Iran.
  287. Plan of division of Indo-Pak: announced on 3rd June, 1947
  288. First head of state to visit Pakistan: in 1947 was Ameer of Kuwait.
  289. First opposition party of Pakistan: Jinnah Awami league it was founded by Abdul Hameed Bhashwani in 1950.
  290. Who wrote Clash of Civilization? Samuel P. Huntington
  291. Who wrote Principle of Muhammadan Jurisprudence? Sir Abdul Raheem
  292. Hingol Dam is in: Baluchistan
  293. Windsor Castle is in: UK
  294. National Assembly approved constitution of 1973 on: 10 April 1973
  295. England cricket team arrived in Pakistan after how many years? 17
  296. How many people were included in Basic Democracy? 80000
  297. Solar current is which type of current? Direct
  298. In 2017 Donald Trump announced to open its embassy in: Jerusalem
  299. Laughing Gas is also called: Nitrous Oxide
  300. Unit of Illumination is: Lux

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