• ENGLISH- 100% Complete | 06 Lectures
  • URDU 100% Complete | 09 Lectures
  • GK – 100% Complete | 13 Lectures
  • REVENUE LAWS – 100% Complete | 26 Lectures



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English Complete Lectures

  1. English Paper Syllabus
  2. English Short Essay
  3. English Precis Guide
  4. English Precis Practical Steps
  5. English Letter Writing
  6. English Tenses Complete

Urdu Complete Lectures

  1. Urdu Syllabus for Tehsildar
  2. Urdu Essay Basics
  3. Urdu Essay Writing Steps
  4. Urdu Talkhees Guide
  5. Urdu Talkhees Steps
  6. Urdu Muhawraat Basic Guide
  7. Urdu Important Muhawrat
  8. Urdu Correction – P-I
  9. Urdu Correction P-II

GK Complete Lectures for Tehsildar Paper

  1. How to Prepare GK
  2. Pak Studies P-I 1600 to 1947
  3. Pak Studies P-II 1947 to 2023
  4. Islamiat Guide
  5. History of Islam Complete 571 to 847
  6. IT Part -I Basics, MS Word
  7. IT Part – II Important Questions
  8. General Science Part-I
  9. General Science Part- II
  10. Basic Math P-I
  11. Basic Math P-II
  12. Geography Basics | World Geo
  13. Geography of Pakistan

The Land Revenue Act 1967

  1. Sections 1 to 18
  2. Sections 19 to 38
  3. Sections 39 to 41
  4. Section 41A to 42A
  5. Sections 43 to 49
  6. Sections 50 to 58
  7. Sections 59 to 69
  8. Sections 70 to 73
  9. Sections 74 to 85
  10. Sections 86 to 91
  11. Sections 92 to 115
  12. Sections 116 to 134
  13. Sections 135 to 160
  14. Sections 161 to 174
  15. Sections 175 to 184

The Land Acquisition Act 1984

  1. Sections 1 to 17 (Intro)
  2. Sections 18 to 37
  3. Sections 38 to 55

The Tenancy Act 1887

  1. Sections 1 to 15 (Intro)
  2. Sections 16 to 28
  3. Sections 29 to 34
  4. Sections 35 to 52
  5. Sections 53 to 60
  6. Sections 61 to 74
  7. Sections 75 to 100
  8. Sections 101 to 116

Summary of Three Revenue Laws

Edexmy LMS Pakistan (Registered)

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. غلام شبیر

    السلام علیکم ! آپ بہت ہی عمدہ کام کر رہے ہیں بالخصوص ان کے لیے جو اس مہنگائی کے دور میں فیس دینے سے قاصر ہیں۔ اللہ کریم آپ کو اجر عظیم عطا فرمائے۔ آمین!

  2. Ismail

    Wonderful lecture sir thanks

  3. All 4paper

    Tehaildar paper

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