GK – Oneliner 05

  1. Karachi Radio station established in: 1947
  2. Aleem Dar of Pakistan was awarded ICC best umpire how many times: 3 times 2009,2010,2011
  3. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
  4. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.
  5. Super nova is when a star explodes.
  6. The shape of our Milky Way galaxy is Spiral.
  7. The smallest planet is Mercury.
  8. The coldest planet of solar system is Neptune.
  9. According to the International Astronomical Union, there are eight planets and five dwarf planets in our Solar System.
  10. Moon is called a satellite of the earth because it revolves around the earth.
  11. Comets revolve around Sun.
  12. Jupiter is larger than the earth by about 10 times.
  13. The fastest planet is Mercury.
  14. Venus orbits around the Sun in the backward direction from east to west.
  15. The planet which revolves very slowly around the sun is Neptune.
  16. The sun is containing 99.86% mass of the solar system.
  17. The planet with shortest daytime is Jupiter.
  18. The first Chinese national in space was Yang Liwei.
  19. The first Polish in space was Miroslaw Hermaszewski.
  20. The first Romanian in space was Dumitru Prunariu.
  21. The planet nearest to the Earth is Venus.
  22. The brightest planet in the Solar System is Venus.
  23. The energy generation in stars is due to fusion of light nuclei.
  24. Sun is located approximately at the center of the solar system.
  25. Uranus is the planet in the solar system which rotates on its axis from East to West.
  26. The planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits by Gravitation and centrifugal force.
  27. Lunar eclipse does not occur every month because the moon’s orbit is not all the time in the same plane as the earths.
  28. Lunar eclipse is caused when the earth comes between the sun and the moon.
  29. First Canadian to walk in space was Chirs Hadifield.
  30. First Cuban in space Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez.
  31. Solar eclipse occurs when moon comes between sun and earth.
  32. Bodies which usually fall from the sky on the Earth are called meteors.
  33. Comets are luminous celestial bodies moving round the sun.
  34. Sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to rotation of the Earth on its axis.
  35. The mass of the moon in comparison to the Earth is 1/80.
  36. The rising of the evening star indicates the West.
  37. The time taken by Uranus to revolve round the sun is approximately 84 years.
  38. Jupiter has the maximum number of satellites.
  39. Light year is the distance travelled by light in one year.
  40. The shape of Earth’s orbit around the sun is Elliptical.
  41. Solar eclipse occurs on full moon day.
  42. The zodiac signs or houses of the heaven are named after star signs.
  43. Lunar eclipse occurs only on a full moon day.
  44. The European space agency has recently sent its first spacecraft to the moon, named Smart-1.
  45. In 1969 man first step out on the moon.
  46. On October 4, 1957 the space age begins with the launch of the Russian Sputnik-I.
  47. Operation Path Finder is a mission to Mars.
  48. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to set foot on moon.
  49. Apollo XI spacecraft’s enabled man to step on the moon first.
  50. The first Malaysian in space was Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor.
  51. The first person in space was Yuri Gagarin.
  52. The term “Chukker” is associated with which game: Polo
  53. _________becomes the first country with free public transport: Luxembourg
  54. In which district Soon valley is situated: Khushab
  55. The altitude of the Paristan Lake (Highest lake of Pakistan) above sea level is___________15,641 feet
  56. Name the Powerful Country which offered help to the Pakistan Army before surrendering in Dhaka during 1971 war: United States
  57. Augusta Raurica is located in___________Switzerland
  58. The density of water maximum at _________At 4oC
  59. Which Mughal ruler called as the Prince of Builders: Shah Jahan
  60. Incan Civilization flourished in: South America
  61. What was Styagraha Movement under Mahatma Gandhi’s direction: Civil disobedience Movement against the British Indian Govt. for acceptance of certain demands
  62. When did Mohammad Ali Bogra present Bogra Formula: 7 Oct 1953
  63. What is the name of Bogra Formula: Constitutional Formula
  64. Bolan Pass connects: Sibi with Quetta
  65. When Pakistan accepted the accession of Junagadh: 13 Sep 1947
  66. When India unlawfully occupied Junagadh: Nov 1948
  67. Before becoming Governor General Ghulam Mohammad was: Finance Minister
  68. How many Tier was introduced by President Ayub Khan in the hierarchical structure of the Basic Democracies: 4 Tiers (1. Union Council 2. Tehsil Council 3. District Council 4. Division Council)
  69. Malakand Pass connects: Peshawar with Chitral
  70. Operation Zarb e Azab started : June 15, 2014
  71. Location: North Waziristan Agency
  72. Krishna Kumari Kohli is the first Hindu member of Senate or Upper House of the Pakistani parliament.
  73. Gurdeep Singh elected first Sikh senator of Pakistan from Kpk.
  74. Mahesh Kumar Malani (hindu) has became the first non-Muslim to win a general seat in the National Assembly.
  75. First mujadid of Islam : Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz
  76. Largest province of  Pakistan by land Blochistan
  77. How many times name of hazrat Muhammad in Quran : 4 times
  78. Which ghazwa mentioned in al e Imran Ghazwa badar.
  79. Hazrat Muhammad as belongs to Hashim.
  80. Who accept Pakistan as a country  first:Iran
  81. Total area of Pakistan is: 796096km2
  82. k2 real name: Godwin Austen
  83. Mount Everest located in which country:Nepal
  84. Dispute between India and Pakistan: Kashmir issue
  85. First Madni Surah: Surah fatiha
  86. Muslim League founded in which year: 1906
  87. Muslim League founded in which city: Dhaka
  88. Muhammad Ali was famous for Boxing player.
  89. 1760 yards is equals to 5280 ft.
  90. Who current captain of Pakistan cricket team Babar Azam
  91. Who won champions trophy 2017: Pakistan
  92. ICC T20 world cup 22  winner: England
  93. Pakistan by population 6th new rank 5th.
  94. 1973 constitution implementation: 14 August
  95. National assembly seats 342
  96. The first Saudi in space was Sultan Salman Al Saud.
  97. The first Syrian in space was Muhammad Faris
  98. Earth is known as Blue Planet.
  99. Venus is known as the Morning Star.
  100. Earth is known as Terra Planet.
  101. Neptune takes as largest time to go once around the Sun.
  102. Our Galaxy consists of 8 Stars.
  103. Venus is known as the Evening Star.
  104. Earth is also called as Watery Planet.
  105. Solar system was discovered by Copernicus.
  106. The unit of measuring distance between the stars is known as light year.
  107. There is a well-developed system of rings around Saturn.
  108. There are 56 Satellites (Moon) of Saturn Planet.
  109. Jupiter is larger than the earth by about 317 times.
  110. NASA has recently sent Opportunity space shuttle on the surface of Mars.
  111. Neptune is the second planet from the sun.
  112. Jupiter spins on its axis at the fastest rate.
  113. Venus contains largest quantity of carbon dioxide with 95%.
  114. 109 times is the sun bigger in size than the earth.
  115. The temperature at the surface of the sun and its center is respectively, about 6000k and 20 million K.
  116. The sun consists mostly of Hydrogen.
  117. Venus is brightest as seen from the Earth.
  118. The heaviest mass revolving round the Sun is Jupiter.
  119. First Afghan who went in space Abdul Ahad Mohmand.
  120. CHALLENGER space shuttle was launched by the United States in May 2005.
  121. The brightest star in the sky is Sun.
  122. Venus reflects back to space the highest percentage of light it receives from the sun than any other planet of the solar system.
  123. Venus has lesser diameter than the earth.
  124. Jupiter has greater diameter than the earth.
  125. Mars has lesser diameter then the earth.
  126. Mercury has lesser diameter then the earth.
  127. Mars takes very nearly the same time for a rotation on its own axis as does the earth.
  128. The correct sequence of the following planets in terms of gravity, in the descending order is Earth, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.
  129. Triton is satellites of Neptune.
  130. The maximum day and night temperatures approximately on the moon are respectively 100 C and 180 C.
  131. Kohoutek is the brightest comet.
  132. The planet which has longest day is Venus.
  133. The planet which has shortest year is Mercury.
  134. The planet which has longest year is Neptune.
  135. Russia launched its space station into space in 1986, which was Mir.
  136. Hubble is a space telescope.
  137. Total planets are 8.
  138. Light travels from Sun to Earth in 510 seconds.
  139. The theory that refers to an explosion about 10 to 15 billion years ago which most astronomers believe to be the origin of universe is called Big Bang Theory.
  140. Black holes are stellar object which have intense gravitational field.
  141. Mercury is the planet which is not only the smallest but also nearest to the sun.
  142. Venus is known as the Earth’s Twin.
  143. 6 months is the maximum length of a day of the poles.
  144. Cause of the phases of the Moon is rotation of earth.
  145. Christian Huygens was the first to speculate that Venus is completely covered with clouds.
  146. Twelve constellations referred to as zodiac, are a group of stars.
  147. Giordano Bruno was the first to determine that the day on the Mars was, like our, roughly twenty-four hour long.
  148. On 20th July 1969, two American scientists landed on moon of earth.
  149. The first ever artificial satellites was launched by Russia.
  150. Roberta Bondar was the first Canadian woman in space.
  151. Marc Garneau was the first Canadian in space.
  152. Vladimir Remek was the first Czech and first non-Soviet European in space.
  153. Jean-Loup Chretien was the first French person in space and first non-Soviet European to walk in space.
  154. Sigmund John was the first German in space.
  155. How many times the word “Qul” has been repeated in the Holy Quran: 332
  156. Columbia the first space shuttle launched by United States on April 12: 1981
  157. Double landlocked Country in the world: Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein
  158. The UNO member which is not a member of FAO is: Liechtenstein
  159. World food day is observed on: 16 October
  160. The motto of FAO is: Let there be bread
  161. FAO has members: 194
  162. FAO came into existence on: 16 October, 1945
  163. Headquarter of FAO is located in: Italy (Rome)
  164. FAO stands for: Food and Agriculture Organization
  165. Victoria Cross is the highest military award of: England
  166. SAARC agriculture Centre is located in: Bangladesh
  167. SAARC information centre is located in: Nepal
  168. SAARC Human Resources and Development Centre is located in: Pakistan
  169. SAARC University is located at: New Delhi
  170. First Chairman of SAARC was: M Ershad
  171. The idea of SAARC was put forward by whom: Zia ur Rehman
  172. First Secretary General of SAARC was: Abu Al Hassan, Bangladesh
  173. The last member of SAARC is Afghanistan
  174. Headquarter of SAARC is located in: Nepal
  175. SAARC came into existence on: 8 December, 1985
  176. How many Countries does SAARC have 8
  177. SAARC stands for: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  178. The audacity of hope is written by: Bark Obama
  179. Sun-spots are cooler areas which move about on the sun’s surface and show up as dark spots.
  180. The rank of the earth in the solar system in terms of size is fifth.
  181. The area 5-degree N to 5 degree south of the equator is called doldrums.
  182. A light year is equal to 9.50 Million kilometers.
  183. The temperature of Sun’s center is 15 million C and the temperature of outer surface of sun is 5500 to 6000 C.
  184. According to new scientific research that water is present on the surface of Mars except earth planet.
  185. Neptune’s orbit around the sun takes about 165 years.
  186. Elliptical path is the name of path of the sun amongst the stars in our galaxy.
  187. The visible part of the sun is called Photosphere.
  188. The rings of Saturn were discovered by Galileo in 1610.
  189. The comet, named after Edmund Halley, reappears after a time interval of every 76 years.
  190. A Comet has a tail always pointing away from the sun.
  191. The group of small pieces of rock revolving round the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called Asteroids.
  192. Uranus orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction from east to west.
  193. Mercury and Venus lies between the sun and the earth.
  194. Saturn is 9.5 times bigger than the earth.
  195. Hubble space telescope was launched into the space on April 24, 1990.
  196. Hubble space telescope was launched into the space with the help of space shuttle Discovery.
  197. Occurrence of ozone is most relevant for the presence of life on Mars.
  198. The mean distance from the earth to the Sun is 149200000 km.
  199. Earth has the largest amount of oxygen.
  200. 28 days the moon takes to return to the same position among the constellations.
  201. Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are double stars when observed by a telescope, are known as Binderies.
  202. The outermost layer of Sun is Corona.
  203. The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they actually are. This is due to Atmospheric refraction.
  204. A star which appears blue is hotter than the sun.
  205. Neptune planet is farthest from the sun.
  206. The light coming from stars gives the idea of their temperature.
  207. The Milky Way extends through a distance of 105 light years.
  208. Venus has almost the same mass, size and density as the earth.
  209. The biggest star in our galaxy in Proxima Centauri.
  210. Galileo was the first to observe sun-spots.
  211. The period of one revolution of sun around the center of galaxy is called cosmic year.
  212. Super Nova means a dying star.
  213. Asteroids or planetoids circle between Mars and Jupiter.
  214. The earth revolves around the sun at a speed of 29 km/sec.
  215. Eratosthenes was the first to measure the distance around the earth.
  216. The first artificial satellite was launched in October 4, 1957.
  217. America launched its first space station in 1973.
  218. Six of the eight planets of the solar system were known in the life time of Kepler, the formulator of laws of planetary motions.
  219. Mercury and Venus are the two planets of the solar system that have no satellites.
  220. The study of heavenly bodies is known as Astrophysics.
  221. MAKEMAKE is the second most massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System (after Eris) and the tenth-most massive body observed directly orbiting the Sun.
  222. Sputnik II, first artificial satellite, was launched 3 November, 1957.
  223. The first Western Scientist to suggest that the Earth revolved around the Sun was Copernicus.
  224. Skylab was space laboratory launched in 1973. It belonged to USA.
  225. In 1979 Sky Lab did break up in the atmosphere and fell back to the earth.
  226. Black Hole is Hypothetical region in space.
  227. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.
  228. The earth’s rotation on its axis is from West to East.
  229. In 1977, USA launched two Voyagers and in 1979 they passed Jupiter and sent back color pictures and other information about the planet and its moons.
  230. Venus is the Roman goddess that was called Aphrodite in Greek.
  231. The planet with the shortest rotation time around its axis is Jupiter.
  232. The planet with the longest rotation time around its axis is Venus.
  233. Curiosity is the name of space shuttle of US which has recently landed on the planet of Mars.
  234. The first space shuttle launched by United States on April 12, 1981 was Columbia.
  235. Southern Cross which is constellation found in the southern region of the night sky consists of five stars.
  236. Nasiruddin Tusi was the famous astronomer of Iran whom George Sarton attributes 64 scientific books and he also worked as scientific advisor to Halaku Khan.
  237. Estimated age of the Universe is 13 billion years.
  238. The first tourist in space was Dennis Tito.
  239. International Date Line is mainly vertical.
  240. Heat received by the Earth from the Sun is known as solar radiation.
  241. Distance between the Earth and Sun during winter decreases.
  242. Earth has the largest amount of oxygen.
  243. Snowcapped mountains are found on Pluto planet.
  244. Lunar Sea refers to a dark plain on the moon.
  245. Hydrogen element is most abundant in Universe.
  246. Saturn planet has the largest number of natural satellites.
  247. The time taken by the Uranus to revolve round the sun is approximately 84 years.
  248. Black holes are stellar objects which have intense gravitational field.
  249. Mercury and Venus planet laying between the sun and the earth.
  250. Saturn is fourteen times bigger than the earth.
  251. Hubble Space telescope was launched into the space with the help of space shuttle Discovery.
  252. Occurrence of ozone is most relevant for the presence of life on Mars.
  253. Among stars Polaris Alpha Centauri Sun and Sirusis nearest to the earth is Sun.
  254. Mercury stays the closest to Earth the longest.
  255. Planet Venus is known as Earth’s near twin planet.
  256. Sometimes the moon passes between the sun and the earth. This is called Solar Eclipse.
  257. The time taken for sunlight to reach the Earth: 8 Minute 20 second
  258. The minimum velocity necessary to put a satellite into orbit is called: Orbital Velocity
  259. Which country threatened to withdraw from Non-Proliferation treaty: Russia
  260. Japan is in which continent: Asia
  261. When Pakistan television started: 1964
  262. Ahmad Shah Abdali born in: Multan
  263. The total member of OIC is: 57
  264. Second OIC meeting was held in: 1974 in Lahore
  265. Female part of flower is known as: Pistil
  266. Frog respires through: Skin
  267. The largest bird of world is: Ostrich
  268. The highest office of UNO is: General Assembly
  269. Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar was governor of: Punjab
  270. On the Judgment Day first question will be about: Namaz
  271. Fattah Makkah occurred in: 8 A.H
  272. How many sacred months in Islamic calendar: Four
  273. Qazi Issa rendered great services in Pakistan movement he belongs to: Baluchistan
  274. The second President of Pakistan was: Ayub Khan
  275. Albert Einstein was: Scientist
  276. The famous painting Mona Lisa was the creation of: Leonardo-Da-Vinci
  277. The title Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity was given to Mr. Jinnah by: Sarojini Naidu
  278. What is the age of retirement of Supreme Court Judges: 65 and High Court Judge is 62
  279. The largest fresh water storge in world is: Himalayas
  280. In MS Excel =Now() is used: To show current date and time
  281. What is the function of F11 in MS Excel: To create chart
  282. Which one is not a function in MS Excel: Avg
  283. Which is the default alignment in MS Word: Left-Align
  284. Which key is used for left alignment in MS Word: CTRL+L
  285. CC stands for: Carbon Copy
  286. HTML stands for: Hyper Text Markup Language
  287. In MS Excel to add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula: =A1+A2
  288. How to fit long texts in a single cell with multiple lines: Use the Wrap Text option in the Format-> Alignment menu
  289. Which function can be used to calculate the monthly mortgage payment: PMT
  290. MOD() function is used in MS Excel to get: Remainder
  291. You can use the formula palette to: Create and edit formula containing functions
  292. The transition period of Brexit ended on: 31st December 2020
  293. Shin Bet is security intelligence agency of: Israel
  294. A cation with +1 electrons, how many protons does it contain: 10
  295. The only player in cricket history who score century in ODI and test on his debut: Abid Ali
  296. Halaku Khan sacked Baghdad in: 1258 AD
  297. In 1761 who defeated marhattas: Ahmed Shah Abdali
  298. When Benazir Bhutto become Prime Minister of Pakistan for second time: 1993
  299. The system of diarchy remained operational during: 1921-1937
  300. The age of Quaid-e-Azam was: More than 71 Years

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