Why are peas beneficial to health? Seven advantages you should be aware of

Green peas are nutritious, which is why they are used in preparing a variety of dishes. They can help with weight management and blood sugar control. We tell you the health benefits of peas.

Peas are small, round seeds that grow in pods on the Pisum sativum plant, a member of the legume family. They are typically green, but can also come in other colours like yellow. Peas are used in various cuisines around the world and can be eaten fresh, frozen, or dried. They are known for their sweet flavour, and are rich in nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients may help in controlling blood sugar, managing weight, and supporting eye and heart health. There are many health benefits of peas, so make them part of your diet.

What advantages do peas provide for your health?
Peas are a fantastic way to get nutrients. The following are present in 100 grams of green peas, per the US Department of Agriculture:

  • 5.4 grams of protein
  • 5.7 grams of fiber
  • 25 mg of calcium
  • 1.47 mg of iron
  • 33 mg of magnesium
  • 244 mg of potassium
  • 40 mg of vitamin C
  • 38 micrograms of vitamin A
  • 0.13 mg of vitamin E
  • 24.8 micrograms of vitamin K

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