Basic Concepts + Isomerism

Chemistry Quiz

Chemistry #ChemistryMcqs #PPSC #FPSC

  1. How many acidic hydrogen atoms are there in propyne?
    a) 1
    b) 3
    c) 4
    d) zero
  2. Which of the following has a +M effect?
    a) NO2
    b) NH2
    c) CHO
    d) CN
  3. m-nitrophenol is about 100 times more acidic than phenol due to
    a) Steric effect
    b) Resonance effect
    c) Solvent effect
    d) Inductive effect
  4. Which isomerism is not exhibited in alkene?
    a) Geometrical
    b) Metamerism
    c) Chain isomerism
    d) Position isomerism
  5. No of conjugated electrons in pyridine?
    a) Zero
    b) 6
    c) 8
    d) 5

edexmylms #edexmy

  1. Which of the following is the most basic
    a) NH3
    b) H20
    c) CH3NH2
    d) CH3OH
  2. Which of the following is not conjugated unsaturated system.
    a) Allyl radical
    b) Allyl cation
    c) 1,3-butadiene
    d) 1-penten-4-yne
  3. Which one is not conjugated molecule? Hint Draw structure!
    a) Cyclohexene
    b) Acetamide
    c) Phenol
    d) benzene
  4. which acid is strongest?
    a) CH3COOH
    b) ClCH2COOH
    c) F3CCOOH
    d) Cl3CCOOH
  5. Which of the following is a temporary effect brought into play at the requirement of attacking reagent?
    a) Inductive effect
    b) Mesomeric effect
    c) Electromeric effect
    d) Inductomeric effect
  6. Select the correct statement from the following option.
    a) Conjugate effect is stronger than (-I) effect
    b) Conjugate effect is weaker than (-I) effect
    c) Conjugate effect is same as (-I) effect
    d) None of the mentioned
  7. Those groups which are electron repelling and have lesser electron attracting power than hydrogen show
    a) (+E) effect
    b) (-E) effect
    c) (-I) effect
    d) (+I) effect
  8. Which of the following show cis trans isomerism?
    a) 1-butene
    b) 2-butene
    c) Ethene
    d) All of these
  9. if the position of the functional group varies in each of its isomers then it is
    a) Position isomerism–
    b) Functional group isomerism
    c) Chain isomerism
    d) None of the above
  10. which one is not an isomer of butanone?
    a) 2,3-epoxybutane
    b) ethyl vinyl ether
    c) 1,2-butanol
    d) ter-butyl ether
  11. Ethanol and acetone are
    a) Position isomers
    b) Chain isomers
    c) Metamers
    d) None of the above
  12. Which of the following is a tautomer of phenol?
  13. In keto-enol from the presence of which type of hydrogen is a must?
    a) Alpha
    b) Beta
    c) Gamma
    d) Any position of hydrogen
  14. How many isomeric alkanes of the molecular formula C5H12 are there?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
  15. How many alcohols are structural isomers with the formula: C5H11OH?
    a) 5
    b) 6
    c) 7
    d) 8
  16. Which of the following does NOT exhibit geometric isomerism? (Hint: draw them!)
    a) 4-octene
    b) 2-pentene
    c) 3-hexene
    d) 1-hexene

21.Hyperconjugation involves the delocalisation of __
a) σ bond orbital
b) π bond orbital
c) Both σ and π bond orbital
d) None of the mentioned

  1. larger the number of hyperconjugation structures, the stability of free radicals will __
    c) Remains same
    d) None of the mentioned
  2. When the contributing structure contains the same number of two-electron bonds as the normal lewis formula, it will be __
    a) Heterovalent hyperconjugation
    b) Sacrificial hyperconjugation
    c) isovalent hyperconjugation
    d) All of the mentioned
  3. Ethene is devoid of any alpha hydrogen so hyperconjugation is not possible.
    a) True
    b) False
    c) not known
    d) both

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