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  1. The Supreme Commander of Pakistan Army is: President
  2. Hemming is the smallest bird
  3. US-Afghanistan peace agreement in February 2020 was signed at: Doha
  4. In 2019 US deputy defense secretary warns which country about testing nuclear weapons: Syria
  5. The Arabian confluence _ temperature contrast in summer or winter to the coastal of Pakistan. Decrease
  6. The function of WTO is__________ Trade related matters
  7. Pure limestone is called _______ Calcium Carbonate
  8. Which gas is used in fire extinguisher? CO2
  9. In railway tracks, a small gap is left between the rails. To allow for the expansion during heat
  10. Syed Mehdi Ali was real name of: Mohsin ul Mulk
  11. When Pakistan conducted nuclear test: 28 May 1998
  12. Who abrogated 1962 Constitution and became CMLA? Yahya Khan
  13. Who was the first viceroy of British India? Canning
  14. When did Quaid-e-Azam join All India Muslim League: 1913
  15. The books “The Murder of History”, ” The Pakistani Historian” and “Britain and Muslim India were written by Khalid Khursheed Aziz
  16. The book Risala Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind was written by: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  17. Which country located in the west of Pakistan: Iran
  18. The smallest population country is: Vatican City
  19. As of 2017 how many countries were recognized as nuclear states? 08
  20. Which heating element is most effective? Nichrome
  21. The main purpose for UN framework convention on climate change is: to reduce emission of CO2
  22. Which method is used for next slide in Powerpoint? Enter, Space & Mouse
  23. Which of the following displays the content of active cell in MS Excel? Formula Bar
  24. In which language is source program written: High level
  25. In Email we can attach Audio, Video & Text
  26. Which key is used to open new tab in internet explorer? CTRL+T
  27. Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in _ Nabvi. 7th

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