GK – Oneliner 07

  1. Sandstone is the most porous rock.
  2. Weathering is Breakdown or disintegration of rocks.
  3. Ordovician is the oldest rock.
  4. If a place is located at 20 N, 80 E it lies in Asia continent.
  5. Mediterranean is the region of winter rainfall.
  6. Soil formed by deposition of silt brought by rivers is alluvial soil.
  7. High tides at antipodes are caused due to Gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.
  8. Convectional types of rainfall are typical of equatorial regions.
  9. Change in season is caused due to revolution of earth.
  10. Winds generally blow from areas of high pressure to that of low pressure.
  11. Black soil is best suited for deep rooted crops.
  12. Russia is the largest area in the world.
  13. Democracy is a culture rather than a process.
  14. The Khyber Pass, which connects the South Asian countries of Afghanistan with Pakistan
  15. Babusar Pass connect Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to Gilgit Baltistan
  16. Bolan Pass connects Sibi with Quetta
  17. Khunjerab Pass connects Pakistan with China
  18. Lowari Pass connects Chitral with Dir
  19. Didrilli Pass connects KPK to Gilgit
  20. Which Country has oldest Capital? Syria (Damascus)
  21. Which Country has no Capital? Nauru
  22. Capital of Bahamas: Nassau
  23. Capital of Chad: Ndjamena
  24. Capital of Angola: Launda
  25. Capital of Comoros: Moroni
  26. Capital of Colombia: Bogota
  27. Capital of Albania: Tirana
  28. Capital of Ethiopia: Adis Ababa
  29. Capital of Ecuador: Quito
  30. Capital of Romania: Bucharest
  31. Capital of Hungry: Budapest
  32. Capital of Zambia: Lusaka
  33. Capital of Belgium: Brussels
  34. Capital of Marshal Island: Manjuro
  35. Capital of Namibia is: Windhoek
  36. Capital of Bahrain: Manama
  37. Capital of Mali is: Bamako
  38. Capital of Cambodia is: Phnom penh
  39. Capital of Cameron is: Yaounde
  40. Capital of Lebanon is: Beirut
  41. Capital of Sierra Leon is: Freetown
  42. Land of Tea & Rice: Myanmar
  43. Land of Smiles: Thailand
  44. Land of Hope & Glory: USA
  45. Land of Drunk Yul: Nepal
  46. Roaring forties are steady north westerly anti-trade winds in southern hemisphere.
  47. Humidity in the air is maximum in monsoon.
  48. Sandstones belong to erinaceous rocks.
  49. Contour is a measure of Topography.
  50. China has longest land frontiers.
  51. The area associated with the greatest frequency of earthquakes is west coast of north and South America.
  52. Cloud burst means abnormally heavy downpour of rain associated with a thunderstorm.
  53. Hematite is an ore of iron.
  54. All longitudes and equator are great circle.
  55. The rocks which are formed by direct cooling and solidification of magma are called igneous rocks.
  56. The shortest day in northern hemisphere is 22nd December.
  57. The earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approximately 1 per day.
  58. In the ocean basin relief continental shelf is gently sloping relatively shallow submerged at the plain of sub-continent.
  59. EQUINOX means day and night are equal.
  60. The earth is divided into 7 continents.
  61. The latitude of the equator is 0-degree.
  62. Latitude of South Pole is 90-degree.
  63. 20% of the total world’s land is occupied by the African continent.
  64. Roald Amundsen the first person who reached South Pole.
  65. The imaginary line of zero-degree longitude which passes through Greenwich is called Meridian.
  66. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was established in 1884.
  67. Greenwich Mean Time passes through Mali.
  68. The earth’s rotation on its axis is from West to East.
  69. Lines drawn parallel to the equator are called latitudes.
  70. The equator is great circle.
  71. On June 21st the sun is vertically overhead the Tropic of Cancer.
  72. Word Geo means Earth.
  73. The element which is most abundant in the Earth’s crust is oxygen.
  74. The hole developed in the Ozone Layer is over Antarctica.
  75. The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one move from equator to poles.
  76. The duration of day and night at North & South Poles is 6 months.
  77. Number of official languages of UNO: 6
  78. First General meeting of UNO was held in: London
  79. The flag of UNO was adopted on: 20 October, 1947
  80. The main aim of UNO is: Peace and Human Dignity
  81. Motto of UNO: It’s your world
  82. UNO day is observed on: 24 October
  83. The name of UNO was suggested by: Franklin .D Roosevelt
  84. Name the only Secretary General of UNO who resigned from his post: Trygve Lie
  85. BMW stands for: Bavarian Motor Works
  86. Which Colour has lowest wavelength: Violet
  87. Which Colour has highest wavelength: Red
  88. Mughal Art & Architecture reached their height under the reign of: Shah Jahan
  89. The year when Humayun came into power is 1530
  90. Where was Akbar buried? Sikandra
  91. Which Country has oldest News Agency? AFP France
  92. The main structural work of the Eiffel Tower was completed in: 1887
  93. Which Mughal King was more adventurer than a ruler? Babar
  94. Hydrogen was discovered by: Henry Cavendish.
  95. Fear of Flying: Aerophobia
  96. Fear of Height: Acrophobia
  97. Which Element is common to all Acids? Hydrogen
  98. Which Element is called the Earth maker? Silicon
  99. Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is_________92 U 235
  100. Where is the Headquarter of Company Nestlé? Switzerland
  101. Day and night are equal at the Equator.
  102. The dates on which day and night is equal 21st March and 23rd September.
  103. Lunar eclipse occurs on full moon.
  104. Lunar sea refers to a dark plain on the moon.
  105. The rotation of earth around is axis causes day and night.
  106. Sir James Clark the first person who located the Magnetic Pole in 1831.
  107. Silicon is the most abundantly found metal on the Earth’s surface.
  108. The term that best describes the shape of the earth Sphere.
  109. The lowest point on earth is Dead Sea.
  110. The most abundant element in Earth’s crust is oxygen.
  111. Copernicus the Scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun.
  112. The distance of a place south or north of equator is called latitude.
  113. The belt of low atmospheric pressure on either side of the equator is called Doldrums.
  114. According to a latest research global warming would increase temperature on earth at least one degree centigrade in 50 years.
  115. Silicon is called earth maker.
  116. The Aurora Borealis occurs in the Exosphere.
  117. The world has been divided into 24 time zones.
  118. Zero longitude on the Greenland is known as Prime Meridian.
  119. Al-Biruni discovered the radius of the earth which was 6338 km.
  120. Contours are lines connecting places having equal height.
  121. When the days and nights are equal the rays of the sun directly fall on the equator.
  122. Crust is earth outer layer.
  123. Heat of sun-rays to earth is reduced by ozone layer.
  124. The largest reserves of fresh water on the Earth’s surface are located in North America.
  125. The northern and the southern hemispheres are separated by the plane of equator.
  126. The second most abundant metal found in the earth’s crust is Aluminum.
  127. Algae is responsible for the largest amount of oxygen of earth.
  128. The blanket of air which surrounds the earth is called Atmosphere.
  129. Equator passes through Kenya.
  130. The structure and functional unit of the environment is known as Ecosystem.
  131. In Sedimentary rocks limestone is found.
  132. Wind flow around areas of high pressure in the Northern Hemisphere in clockwise direction.
  133. Sedimentary rocks are porous.
  134. Desert movement is the resultant feature of Deflation process.
  135. The mean of earth radius in inches is 250.83 million.
  136. First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan is related to___________Demarcation of border of Pakistan
  137. The term of President and Vice President of UNO General Assembly is for: 1 Year
  138. The main organ of UNO is: Security Council
  139. How many organs does UNO have? 6
  140. The UNO Peace University is located in: Costa Rica
  141. The UNO University is located at: Tokyo
  142. The UNO library is located at: New York
  143. The smallest UNO member in terms of population is: Nauru
  144. The smallest UNO member in terms of area is: Monaco
  145. 191st member of UNO is: East Timor
  146. 192nd member of UNO is: Montenegro
  147. 193rd member of UNO is: South Sudan
  148. The UNO library is known as: Dag Hammarskjold library
  149. The Secretary General of UNO is elected by the General Assembly on the recommendation of: Secretary Council
  150. Name the European Country which is not a member of UNO: Vatican City
  151. Name the Asian Country which is not a member of UNO: Taiwan
  152. The process by which substance absorb moisture upon exposure atmosphere is known as deliquescence.
  153. Ecosystem refers to Earth environment.
  154. Monsoon season in Pakistan starts in July and end in September.
  155. The major constituent of air is Nitrogen.
  156. The climate of Pakistan is mostly referred as hot and dry.
  157. Nearest part of atmosphere to earth is called Troposphere.
  158. Oxygen by volume has a presence in the atmosphere of about 21%.
  159. If there were no atmosphere, color of the sky would be black.
  160. Ozone layer prevents Ultra violet rays from entering the atmosphere.
  161. Oxygen is the upper atmosphere is converted into ozone.
  162. The zone of atmosphere in which ozone layer is present is Stratosphere.
  163. The proportion of nitrogen in dry air is 78%.
  164. Thickness of atmosphere around the earth is 145 km.
  165. Atmosphere around the earth maintains its temperature.
  166. All vital atmosphere process leading to various climate and weather conditions take places in the troposphere.
  167. Troposphere, tropopause, stratosphere, ionosphere is the sequence represents correctly the different atmosphere layers from the earth’s surface.
  168. The mesosphere extended above the earth’s surface is up to 85 km.
  169. Sun radiation reflected or absorbed by atmosphere.
  170. The second most important layer of the earth atmosphere is Stratosphere.
  171. The zone of atmosphere in which ozone layer is present is stratosphere.
  172. The layer of atmosphere where we live is Troposphere.
  173. Russia supply oil to Europe through Grazprom Company which is at Ukraine.
  174. South America largest country: Brazil
  175. Largest country in N America: Canada
  176. North America is on North Atlantic ocean and north Pacific Ocean.
  177. Amir Khusrau was the famous poet in the court of: Alauddin Khalji
  178. Freedom Air is the name of Airline of: New Zealand
  179. Lord Wavell succeeded Lord Linlithgow as Viceroy of India in 1943.
  180. Who wrote Sassi Punnu: Hashim Shah
  181. Who wrote Sohni Mahiwal: Fazal Shah
  182. Who wrote Heer Ranjha: Waris Shah
  183. Ahsan-ul-Qasas by: Molvi Gulam Rasool
  184. The Berber tribes were resident of: North Africa
  185. Pakistan elected non-permanent member of United Nation Security Council for how many times: Seven Times and First Time 1952
  186. Fall of Constantinople: 1453
  187. Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri came to India with: Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi
  188. Kashf ul Mahjoob Book by: Ali Hujwiri
  189. Greenwich University is a Private university in: Islamabad
  190. What is the color of chlorophyll: Green
  191. (Injeel) is the Arabic name for the Gospel of Jesus ( Hazrat Essa A.S)
  192. The valley of the moon Located in: Chile
  193. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk, also known as: Syed Mehdi Ali
  194. Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk real name was: Mushtaq Hussain
  195. Synonym of Economize: Save
  196. Synonym of Bellicose: Warlike
  197. Synonym of Facet: Phase
  198. Synonym of Tyrant: Despotic
  199. Synonym of Prudent: Imprudent
  200. Synonym of Scintillating: Glittering
  201. Synonym of Caesarian: Surgical Operation
  202. Synonym of Feral: Wild
  203. Synonym of Wreck: Ruin
  204. Synonym of Prodigal: Profligate
  205. Synonym of Repercussion: Reaction
  206. Synonym of A dark horse: Un expected winner
  207. Synonym of A terrible sudden accident: Holocaust
  208. Synonym of Abandon: Vacate
  209. Synonym of Abase: Degrade
  210. Synonym of Impertinent: Modest
  211. Synonym of Wheedle: Deceive
  212. Synonym of Abdicate: Abandon
  213. Synonym of Abhorrence: Hatred
  214. Synonym of Abhorrent: Detestable
  215. Synonym of Abortive: Unsuccessful
  216. Synonym of Abridge: Shorten
  217. Synonym of Abscond: Escape
  218. Synonym of Abstruse: Concealed
  219. Synonym of Absurd: Ridiculous
  220. Synonym of Abundance: Large Quantity
  221. Synonym of Accumulate: Collect
  222. Synonym of Acquit: Exonerate
  223. Synonym of Acrimonious: Bitter
  224. Synonym of Acumen: Sharpness
  225. Synonym of Adhere: Stick
  226. Synonym of Adjacent: Contiguous
  227. Synonym of Adversity: Misfortune
  228. Synonym of Adversity: Hardship
  229. Synonym of Advice: Guidance
  230. Synonym of Affable: Friendly
  231. Synonym of Affinity: Liking
  232. Synonym of Ally: Partner
  233. Synonym of Alter: Change
  234. Synonym of Alter: Modify
  235. Synonym of Amateur: Non-Professional
  236. Synonym of Ambiguous: Unclear
  237. Synonym of Amiable: Friendly
  238. Synonym of Amnesty: Pardon
  239. Synonym of Anger: Choler
  240. Synonym of Anguish: Agony
  241. Synonym of Harmony: Concord
  242. Synonym of Abasement: Humility
  243. Synonym of Anomaly: Aberration
  244. Synonym of Anonymous: Nameless
  245. Synonym of Antipathy: Enmity
  246. Synonym of Upbringing: Breeding
  247. Synonym of Esoteric: Private
  248. Synonym of Zany: Clown
  249. Synonym of Churlish: Uncivilized
  250. Synonym of Error: Blunder
  251. Synonym of Subjugate: Conquer
  252. Synonym of Antithesis: Reverse
  253. Synonym of Anxious: Worried
  254. Synonym of Devoid: Bereft
  255. Synonym of Apathy: Unconcern
  256. Synonym of Immaculate: Prime
  257. Synonym of Apparel: Clothes
  258. Synonym of Shift: Deceitful
  259. Synonym of Arid: Barren
  260. Synonym of Arrogance: Haughtiness
  261. Synonym of Assent: Agreement
  262. Synonym of Accede: Consent
  263. Synonym of Assiduous: Diligent
  264. Synonym of Assimilate: Adapt
  265. Synonym of Asylum: Refuge
  266. Synonym of Native: Endemic
  267. Synonym of At sixes and seven: Bewildered
  268. Synonym of Iterate: Repeat
  269. Synonym of Audacity: Courageous
  270. Water Polo players are:7
  271. The Number of Players on each side in Rugby Football: 15
  272. How many players are in basketball on the court at one time: 5 Players
  273. Baseball: 9 Players
  274. How many Players are in a Volleyball Team: 6 Players
  275. How many Players are in a kabbadi Team: 7 Players
  276. Chess: 1 player
  277. Football: 11 Players
  278. Ruby Football:15 Players
  279. Polo: 4 Players
  280. Cricket: 11 Players
  281. Hockey: 11 Players
  282. Ice Hockey: 6 Players
  283. Who was the Viceroy during the time Mr. Attlee of England declared the British intention to transfer power to Indians: Lord Wavell
  284. Ummayad Caliphate Period : 661 to 750 (89)
  285. Total Period of Abbasid Caliphate: 750 to 1258 (508)
  286. Litani River in: Lebanon
  287. Largest fort of Punjab Province: Rohtas Fort
  288. Largest fort of Pakistan: Ranikot Fort or The Great Wall of Sindh
  289. Broadest strait in the world: Mozambique strait
  290. ZIANA’ is the news agency of: Zimbabwe
  291. MAD is the news agency of which country: Germany
  292. World Environment Day: 5 June.
  293. Sigmund Freud was an——and the founder of Psychoanalysis: Austrian
  294. Muztagh pass connects ________Baltistan with Yarkand
  295. Bodpola is the highest Mountain Pass of the world which is situated in Tibet(CHINA).
  296. Second highest pass in the world: Namni Pass (Myanmar)
  297. Synagogue is the place of worship of: Jews
  298. Sharm-el-shiekh seaport in: Egypt
  299. Qaid-e-Azam Jinnah, as I knew him: Mirza Ahmad Ispahani
  300. City of parks: Kiev

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