- Sandstone is the most porous rock.
- Weathering is Breakdown or disintegration of rocks.
- Ordovician is the oldest rock.
- If a place is located at 20 N, 80 E it lies in Asia continent.
- Mediterranean is the region of winter rainfall.
- Soil formed by deposition of silt brought by rivers is alluvial soil.
- High tides at antipodes are caused due to Gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.
- Convectional types of rainfall are typical of equatorial regions.
- Change in season is caused due to revolution of earth.
- Winds generally blow from areas of high pressure to that of low pressure.
- Black soil is best suited for deep rooted crops.
- Russia is the largest area in the world.
- Democracy is a culture rather than a process.
- The Khyber Pass, which connects the South Asian countries of Afghanistan with Pakistan
- Babusar Pass connect Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to Gilgit Baltistan
- Bolan Pass connects Sibi with Quetta
- Khunjerab Pass connects Pakistan with China
- Lowari Pass connects Chitral with Dir
- Didrilli Pass connects KPK to Gilgit
- Which Country has oldest Capital? Syria (Damascus)
- Which Country has no Capital? Nauru
- Capital of Bahamas: Nassau
- Capital of Chad: Ndjamena
- Capital of Angola: Launda
- Capital of Comoros: Moroni
- Capital of Colombia: Bogota
- Capital of Albania: Tirana
- Capital of Ethiopia: Adis Ababa
- Capital of Ecuador: Quito
- Capital of Romania: Bucharest
- Capital of Hungry: Budapest
- Capital of Zambia: Lusaka
- Capital of Belgium: Brussels
- Capital of Marshal Island: Manjuro
- Capital of Namibia is: Windhoek
- Capital of Bahrain: Manama
- Capital of Mali is: Bamako
- Capital of Cambodia is: Phnom penh
- Capital of Cameron is: Yaounde
- Capital of Lebanon is: Beirut
- Capital of Sierra Leon is: Freetown
- Land of Tea & Rice: Myanmar
- Land of Smiles: Thailand
- Land of Hope & Glory: USA
- Land of Drunk Yul: Nepal
- Roaring forties are steady north westerly anti-trade winds in southern hemisphere.
- Humidity in the air is maximum in monsoon.
- Sandstones belong to erinaceous rocks.
- Contour is a measure of Topography.
- China has longest land frontiers.
- The area associated with the greatest frequency of earthquakes is west coast of north and South America.
- Cloud burst means abnormally heavy downpour of rain associated with a thunderstorm.
- Hematite is an ore of iron.
- All longitudes and equator are great circle.
- The rocks which are formed by direct cooling and solidification of magma are called igneous rocks.
- The shortest day in northern hemisphere is 22nd December.
- The earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approximately 1 per day.
- In the ocean basin relief continental shelf is gently sloping relatively shallow submerged at the plain of sub-continent.
- EQUINOX means day and night are equal.
- The earth is divided into 7 continents.
- The latitude of the equator is 0-degree.
- Latitude of South Pole is 90-degree.
- 20% of the total world’s land is occupied by the African continent.
- Roald Amundsen the first person who reached South Pole.
- The imaginary line of zero-degree longitude which passes through Greenwich is called Meridian.
- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was established in 1884.
- Greenwich Mean Time passes through Mali.
- The earth’s rotation on its axis is from West to East.
- Lines drawn parallel to the equator are called latitudes.
- The equator is great circle.
- On June 21st the sun is vertically overhead the Tropic of Cancer.
- Word Geo means Earth.
- The element which is most abundant in the Earth’s crust is oxygen.
- The hole developed in the Ozone Layer is over Antarctica.
- The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one move from equator to poles.
- The duration of day and night at North & South Poles is 6 months.
- Number of official languages of UNO: 6
- First General meeting of UNO was held in: London
- The flag of UNO was adopted on: 20 October, 1947
- The main aim of UNO is: Peace and Human Dignity
- Motto of UNO: It’s your world
- UNO day is observed on: 24 October
- The name of UNO was suggested by: Franklin .D Roosevelt
- Name the only Secretary General of UNO who resigned from his post: Trygve Lie
- BMW stands for: Bavarian Motor Works
- Which Colour has lowest wavelength: Violet
- Which Colour has highest wavelength: Red
- Mughal Art & Architecture reached their height under the reign of: Shah Jahan
- The year when Humayun came into power is 1530
- Where was Akbar buried? Sikandra
- Which Country has oldest News Agency? AFP France
- The main structural work of the Eiffel Tower was completed in: 1887
- Which Mughal King was more adventurer than a ruler? Babar
- Hydrogen was discovered by: Henry Cavendish.
- Fear of Flying: Aerophobia
- Fear of Height: Acrophobia
- Which Element is common to all Acids? Hydrogen
- Which Element is called the Earth maker? Silicon
- Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is_________92 U 235
- Where is the Headquarter of Company Nestlé? Switzerland
- Day and night are equal at the Equator.
- The dates on which day and night is equal 21st March and 23rd September.
- Lunar eclipse occurs on full moon.
- Lunar sea refers to a dark plain on the moon.
- The rotation of earth around is axis causes day and night.
- Sir James Clark the first person who located the Magnetic Pole in 1831.
- Silicon is the most abundantly found metal on the Earth’s surface.
- The term that best describes the shape of the earth Sphere.
- The lowest point on earth is Dead Sea.
- The most abundant element in Earth’s crust is oxygen.
- Copernicus the Scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun.
- The distance of a place south or north of equator is called latitude.
- The belt of low atmospheric pressure on either side of the equator is called Doldrums.
- According to a latest research global warming would increase temperature on earth at least one degree centigrade in 50 years.
- Silicon is called earth maker.
- The Aurora Borealis occurs in the Exosphere.
- The world has been divided into 24 time zones.
- Zero longitude on the Greenland is known as Prime Meridian.
- Al-Biruni discovered the radius of the earth which was 6338 km.
- Contours are lines connecting places having equal height.
- When the days and nights are equal the rays of the sun directly fall on the equator.
- Crust is earth outer layer.
- Heat of sun-rays to earth is reduced by ozone layer.
- The largest reserves of fresh water on the Earth’s surface are located in North America.
- The northern and the southern hemispheres are separated by the plane of equator.
- The second most abundant metal found in the earth’s crust is Aluminum.
- Algae is responsible for the largest amount of oxygen of earth.
- The blanket of air which surrounds the earth is called Atmosphere.
- Equator passes through Kenya.
- The structure and functional unit of the environment is known as Ecosystem.
- In Sedimentary rocks limestone is found.
- Wind flow around areas of high pressure in the Northern Hemisphere in clockwise direction.
- Sedimentary rocks are porous.
- Desert movement is the resultant feature of Deflation process.
- The mean of earth radius in inches is 250.83 million.
- First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan is related to___________Demarcation of border of Pakistan
- The term of President and Vice President of UNO General Assembly is for: 1 Year
- The main organ of UNO is: Security Council
- How many organs does UNO have? 6
- The UNO Peace University is located in: Costa Rica
- The UNO University is located at: Tokyo
- The UNO library is located at: New York
- The smallest UNO member in terms of population is: Nauru
- The smallest UNO member in terms of area is: Monaco
- 191st member of UNO is: East Timor
- 192nd member of UNO is: Montenegro
- 193rd member of UNO is: South Sudan
- The UNO library is known as: Dag Hammarskjold library
- The Secretary General of UNO is elected by the General Assembly on the recommendation of: Secretary Council
- Name the European Country which is not a member of UNO: Vatican City
- Name the Asian Country which is not a member of UNO: Taiwan
- The process by which substance absorb moisture upon exposure atmosphere is known as deliquescence.
- Ecosystem refers to Earth environment.
- Monsoon season in Pakistan starts in July and end in September.
- The major constituent of air is Nitrogen.
- The climate of Pakistan is mostly referred as hot and dry.
- Nearest part of atmosphere to earth is called Troposphere.
- Oxygen by volume has a presence in the atmosphere of about 21%.
- If there were no atmosphere, color of the sky would be black.
- Ozone layer prevents Ultra violet rays from entering the atmosphere.
- Oxygen is the upper atmosphere is converted into ozone.
- The zone of atmosphere in which ozone layer is present is Stratosphere.
- The proportion of nitrogen in dry air is 78%.
- Thickness of atmosphere around the earth is 145 km.
- Atmosphere around the earth maintains its temperature.
- All vital atmosphere process leading to various climate and weather conditions take places in the troposphere.
- Troposphere, tropopause, stratosphere, ionosphere is the sequence represents correctly the different atmosphere layers from the earth’s surface.
- The mesosphere extended above the earth’s surface is up to 85 km.
- Sun radiation reflected or absorbed by atmosphere.
- The second most important layer of the earth atmosphere is Stratosphere.
- The zone of atmosphere in which ozone layer is present is stratosphere.
- The layer of atmosphere where we live is Troposphere.
- Russia supply oil to Europe through Grazprom Company which is at Ukraine.
- South America largest country: Brazil
- Largest country in N America: Canada
- North America is on North Atlantic ocean and north Pacific Ocean.
- Amir Khusrau was the famous poet in the court of: Alauddin Khalji
- Freedom Air is the name of Airline of: New Zealand
- Lord Wavell succeeded Lord Linlithgow as Viceroy of India in 1943.
- Who wrote Sassi Punnu: Hashim Shah
- Who wrote Sohni Mahiwal: Fazal Shah
- Who wrote Heer Ranjha: Waris Shah
- Ahsan-ul-Qasas by: Molvi Gulam Rasool
- The Berber tribes were resident of: North Africa
- Pakistan elected non-permanent member of United Nation Security Council for how many times: Seven Times and First Time 1952
- Fall of Constantinople: 1453
- Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri came to India with: Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi
- Kashf ul Mahjoob Book by: Ali Hujwiri
- Greenwich University is a Private university in: Islamabad
- What is the color of chlorophyll: Green
- (Injeel) is the Arabic name for the Gospel of Jesus ( Hazrat Essa A.S)
- The valley of the moon Located in: Chile
- Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk, also known as: Syed Mehdi Ali
- Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk real name was: Mushtaq Hussain
- Synonym of Economize: Save
- Synonym of Bellicose: Warlike
- Synonym of Facet: Phase
- Synonym of Tyrant: Despotic
- Synonym of Prudent: Imprudent
- Synonym of Scintillating: Glittering
- Synonym of Caesarian: Surgical Operation
- Synonym of Feral: Wild
- Synonym of Wreck: Ruin
- Synonym of Prodigal: Profligate
- Synonym of Repercussion: Reaction
- Synonym of A dark horse: Un expected winner
- Synonym of A terrible sudden accident: Holocaust
- Synonym of Abandon: Vacate
- Synonym of Abase: Degrade
- Synonym of Impertinent: Modest
- Synonym of Wheedle: Deceive
- Synonym of Abdicate: Abandon
- Synonym of Abhorrence: Hatred
- Synonym of Abhorrent: Detestable
- Synonym of Abortive: Unsuccessful
- Synonym of Abridge: Shorten
- Synonym of Abscond: Escape
- Synonym of Abstruse: Concealed
- Synonym of Absurd: Ridiculous
- Synonym of Abundance: Large Quantity
- Synonym of Accumulate: Collect
- Synonym of Acquit: Exonerate
- Synonym of Acrimonious: Bitter
- Synonym of Acumen: Sharpness
- Synonym of Adhere: Stick
- Synonym of Adjacent: Contiguous
- Synonym of Adversity: Misfortune
- Synonym of Adversity: Hardship
- Synonym of Advice: Guidance
- Synonym of Affable: Friendly
- Synonym of Affinity: Liking
- Synonym of Ally: Partner
- Synonym of Alter: Change
- Synonym of Alter: Modify
- Synonym of Amateur: Non-Professional
- Synonym of Ambiguous: Unclear
- Synonym of Amiable: Friendly
- Synonym of Amnesty: Pardon
- Synonym of Anger: Choler
- Synonym of Anguish: Agony
- Synonym of Harmony: Concord
- Synonym of Abasement: Humility
- Synonym of Anomaly: Aberration
- Synonym of Anonymous: Nameless
- Synonym of Antipathy: Enmity
- Synonym of Upbringing: Breeding
- Synonym of Esoteric: Private
- Synonym of Zany: Clown
- Synonym of Churlish: Uncivilized
- Synonym of Error: Blunder
- Synonym of Subjugate: Conquer
- Synonym of Antithesis: Reverse
- Synonym of Anxious: Worried
- Synonym of Devoid: Bereft
- Synonym of Apathy: Unconcern
- Synonym of Immaculate: Prime
- Synonym of Apparel: Clothes
- Synonym of Shift: Deceitful
- Synonym of Arid: Barren
- Synonym of Arrogance: Haughtiness
- Synonym of Assent: Agreement
- Synonym of Accede: Consent
- Synonym of Assiduous: Diligent
- Synonym of Assimilate: Adapt
- Synonym of Asylum: Refuge
- Synonym of Native: Endemic
- Synonym of At sixes and seven: Bewildered
- Synonym of Iterate: Repeat
- Synonym of Audacity: Courageous
- Water Polo players are:7
- The Number of Players on each side in Rugby Football: 15
- How many players are in basketball on the court at one time: 5 Players
- Baseball: 9 Players
- How many Players are in a Volleyball Team: 6 Players
- How many Players are in a kabbadi Team: 7 Players
- Chess: 1 player
- Football: 11 Players
- Ruby Football:15 Players
- Polo: 4 Players
- Cricket: 11 Players
- Hockey: 11 Players
- Ice Hockey: 6 Players
- Who was the Viceroy during the time Mr. Attlee of England declared the British intention to transfer power to Indians: Lord Wavell
- Ummayad Caliphate Period : 661 to 750 (89)
- Total Period of Abbasid Caliphate: 750 to 1258 (508)
- Litani River in: Lebanon
- Largest fort of Punjab Province: Rohtas Fort
- Largest fort of Pakistan: Ranikot Fort or The Great Wall of Sindh
- Broadest strait in the world: Mozambique strait
- ZIANA’ is the news agency of: Zimbabwe
- MAD is the news agency of which country: Germany
- World Environment Day: 5 June.
- Sigmund Freud was an——and the founder of Psychoanalysis: Austrian
- Muztagh pass connects ________Baltistan with Yarkand
- Bodpola is the highest Mountain Pass of the world which is situated in Tibet(CHINA).
- Second highest pass in the world: Namni Pass (Myanmar)
- Synagogue is the place of worship of: Jews
- Sharm-el-shiekh seaport in: Egypt
- Qaid-e-Azam Jinnah, as I knew him: Mirza Ahmad Ispahani
- City of parks: Kiev
