Intermediate Physics Part 4

  1. The fringe spacing in double slit experiment can be increased by?
    increasing the separation of slits
    decreasing the distance between the slit and screen
    using monochromatic light of shorter wavelength than before
    None of these
  2. A red shirt?
    Selectively scatters red wavelengths of visible light and absorbs the rest
    Selectively absorbs red wavelengths of visible light and scatters the rest
    None of these
  3. Two gasses A and B having same no of molecules are at temp 10C. A is heated at constant volume and B is heated at constant pressure and their temp rises to 20C. Increase in internal energy in?
    A > B
    A < B
    In both gasses is same
    None of these
  4. The pendulums in vintage clocks usually are?
    second pendulum
    torsional pendulum
    any pendulum can fits there
  5. A spring is cut into 2 equal parts and are connected in series. Effective spring constant is? (Spring constant is k).?
    None of these
  6. A spring is cut into 2 equal parts and are connected in parallel. Effective spring constant is? (Spring constant is k).?
    None of these
  7. A simple pendulum of length 160 m oscillates with an angular amplitude of 0.01 rad. Find the angular frequency when the bob is in momentary rest. Take g = 10 m/s2?
    1 Hz
    4 Hz
    16 Hz
    None of these
  8. In a case of simple pendulum, during a complete oscillation, the work done by the string is equal to:?
    None of these
  9. If a body, moving in simple harmonic motion, makes 40 complete oscillations in 10 seconds, what is its angular frequency (in rad/s)?

    None of these
  10. When a body moves in un-damped simple harmonic motion, the following set of physical quantities remains constant??
    total energy, acceleration, amplitude
    kinetic energy, acceleration, angular frequency
    total energy, amplitude, angular frequency
    None of these
  11. In SHM, the velocity of the particle is maximum at?
    Mean position
    Extreme Position
    None of these
  12. In a close pipe, fundamental frequency is 10 Hz, the second overtone will be observed at which frequency??
    20 Hz
    30 Hz
    40 Hz
    50 Hz
    None of these
  13. In an open pipe, fundamental frequency is 10 Hz, the second overtone will be observed at which frequency??
    20 Hz
    30 Hz
    40 Hz
    50 Hz
    None of these
  14. The speed of sound is greater in solids due to their high?
    None of these
  15. The formulae for speed in relation to tension is given as: v = sqrt(F/m). What is the dimension of mass here??
    None of these
  16. A white light when passed through prism is?
    None of these
  17. 40 dB + 44 dB = ??
    40 dB
    41 dB
    44 dB
    45 dB
  18. A string fixed at both ends forms standing waves with node separation of 10 cm. If the velocity of waves traveling time string is 4 m/s, then the frequency or vibration of the string will be_______?
    20 Hz
    40 Hz
    10 Hz
    1 Hz
    None of these
  19. If the focal length of convex lens is 50cm, then its power is?
    None of these
  20. In Young’s double slit experiment, fringe spacing will be minimum if we use?
    Blue light
    Red light
    yellow light
    green light

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