Quiz Physics 1 Part 1

  1. [PPSC 2017] Work done to stop the motion of car is equivalent to:
    Thermal Energy
    None of these
    Answer K.E
  2. [PPSC 2017] Work done in circular motion after complete cycle? Radius is 5m with vehicle having speed of 5m/s.
    None of these
    Answer: None of these
  3. [PPSC 2017] Zeroth law is also known as:
    Law of engines
    Law of refrigerator
    Law of thermal equilibrium
    None of these
    Answer:Law of thermal equilibrium
  4. [PPSC 2017] Electromagnetic waves have:
    Positive charge
    Negative charge
    both (a) and (b)
    None of these
    Answer:None of these
  5. [PPSC 2017] Magnitude of 5N and 7N forces can give the resultant of:
    35 N
    None of these
  6. [PPSC 2017] Change in momentum is independent of
    None of these
    Answer: acceleration
  7. [PPSC 2017] Significant Figures in 0.005307 are
    None of these
    Answer: four
  8. [PPSC 2017] Tangential acceleration of a rotating body is equal to the product of distance from center and .. ?
    angular acceleration
    square of Tangential velocity
    angular velocity
    None of these
    Answer: angular acceleration
  9. [PPSC 2017] The value of ‘g’ at the center of the Earth is?
    9.8 m/s^2
    None of these
    Answer: Zero
  10. [PPSC 2017] What is the vector force due to a potential energy U = 1/2kx^2
    1/2 kx
    None of these
    Answer: -kx
  11. Dyne is to force, as Kyser is to:
    Wave number
    gravitational acceleration
    None of these
    Answer: wave number
  12. Dimensionless quantity out of the following is:
    Angular velocity
    Angular Magnification
    Angular frequency
    None of these
    Answer:Angular Magnification
  13. Dimension of Young’s modulus is same as that of
    Modulus of elasticity
    both (a) and (b)
    None of these
    Answer: both (a) and (b)
  14. A semi-circle has _ radians while sphere has _ steradians respectively.
    π, 2π
    π, 4π
    2π, 4π
    4π, 2π
    Answer: π, 4π
  15. The solid angle subtended at the center of sphere is 3 Sr. by an area of 300 cm^2. What is the radius of sphere?
    10 cm
    20 cm
    0.01 cm
    None of these
    Answer: 10 cm
  16. An experiment is performed to determine value of ‘g’ repeated for five times: 9.77, 9.81, 9.89, 9.79, 9.86 (in units of m/s^2). The correct statement about this experiment is
    Precise but not accurate
    Precise as well accurate
    Accurate but not precise
    None of these
    Answer: Precise as well accurate
  17. Mass of an object has 4% uncertainty. The momentum supplied is 10% uncertain. Total % uncertainty in “K.E.” is
    25 %
  18. The time that light takes for one astronomical unit is approximately:
    1.3 sec
    1 min
    8 mins
    365.25 days
    Answer: 8 mins
  19. Dimension analysis does not give us information about
    whether a physical quantity is a scalar or vector.
    the shape of the object
    the dimensional constant
    Both (A) and (C)
    All of these
    Answer: All of these
  20. [PPSC 2022] A free falling body having mass 10 kg moving with 8 m/s hits ground and rebounds with 6 m/s. Find magnitude of the change in momentum?
    20 Ns
    140 Ns
    70 Ns
    None of these
    Answer: 140 Ns
  21. If we add all the 7 colours of rainbow (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, violet and indigo), the resultant colour would be?
    Dark Blue
    None of these
    Answer: White
  22. The vector ‘ i + k ‘ is perpendicular to:
    i – j
    j – k
    2k – 2i
    None of these
    Answer: 2k – 2i
  23. cos@(1+tan@) is a(an)
    Null Vector
    Unit Vector
    Direction cosines
    None of these
    Answer: Unit Vector
  24. It is easier to roll a stone up a sloping road than to lift it vertical upwards because
    work done in rolling is more than in lifting
    work done in rolling a stone is less than in lifting it
    work done in lifting the stone is equal to rolling it
    work done in both is same but the rate of doing work is less in rolling
    Answer: work done in rolling a stone is less than in lifting it
  25. A block of weight W is pulled a distance S along a horizontal table. the work done by the weight is?
    Answer: zero

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