Quiz Physics 1 Part 2

  1. According to second condition of equilibrium, for a system to be in rotational equilibrium, the torques acting on it must balance. This is true only if the torques are taken about:
    the center of the system
    the center of mass of the system
    any point of the system outside it
    None of these
    Answer: the center of mass of the system
  2. Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
    Electric field
    Angular Velocity
    None of these
    Answer: Angular Velocity
  3. If d is measured to be 10 cm, and it is measured with the help of an instrument having least count of 0.1 cm. Determine the absolute uncertainty?
    5 %
    None of these
    Answer: 0.1
  4. Which of the following is correct?
    Impulse has the same dimension as that of ratio of work done to velocity
    Force applied is equal to the change of momentum
    In an adiabatic process, heat is exchanged between system and the surrounding.
    Dimensional analysis helps in deriving the formulas, including trigonometric functions too.
    Answer: Impulse has the same dimension as that of ratio of work done to velocity
  5. A football is kicked with an angle θ w.r.t horizontal, the acceleration of projectile at highest point is:
    Equal to time rate of velocity value at the highest point.
    Both (A) and (B)
    None of these
    Answer: None of these
  6. What is the shape of velocity time graph for constant acceleration?
    straight line inclined in xy plane
    straight line parallel to x axis
    straight line parallel to y axis
    None of these
    Answer: straight line inclined in xy plane
  7. How many forces are acting on Air-craft in air? (assuming , un-accelerated, straight-and-level flight)
    Answer: Four
  8. For an air-craft to accelerates:
    Drag force > Thurst
    Thurst > Drag force
    Thurst = Drag force
    None of these
    Answer: Thurst > Drag force
  9. Mirage is:
    unequal heating of different parts of the atmosphere
    depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere
    equal heating of different parts of the atmosphere
    None of these
    Answer: unequal heating of different parts of the atmosphere
  10. Recoiling of a cannon after firing a shot is an example of:
    Newton’s 1st Law
    Newton’s 2nd Law
    Newton’s 3rd Law
    None of these
    Answer: Newton’s 3rd Law
  11. An electric bulb lights out for 60 minutes daily. If the cost of electricity is 10 rupees per unit, and the total cost for a month of 30 days is 100 rupees, determine the Power of bulb?
    10 watt
    100 watt
    1000 watt
    None of these
    Answer: None of these
  12. A football is kicked at 45 degree, the maximum height attained by the football is 100m. What will be the range ofr the football?
    Answer: 400m
  13. An object is at infinite height w.r.t earth, the
    Absolute P.E. of the object is taken as zero
    Absolute P.E. is maximum at this infinite height
    Both (A) and (B)
    None of these
    Answer: Both (A) and (B)
  14. The ratio of orbital velocity to the escape velocity is:
    1: √2
    √2 : 1
    1 : 1
    None of these
    Answer: 1: √2
  15. watt-hour is a unit of
    Does not represent a physical quantity.
    Answer: Energy
  16. A 5 kg object starting at rest, falls to the ground from a height of 10 m. Just before hitting the earth, what will be the K.E.? if the friction force offered by the air is 1 N.
    480 J
    490 J
    500 J
    None of these
    Answer: 480 J
  17. The biggest unit of energy is _ whereas the smallest unit of energy is _ (out of the following)
    Kilowatt hour, Erg
    Kilowatt hour, eV
    Kilowatt hour, Gram calorie
    watt hour, Erg
    Answer: Kilowatt hour, eV
  18. The K.E. is 1200 J for a mass 690 kg having momentum _.
    1286 kgm^2
    12086 kgm^2
    2001 kgm^2
    None of these
    Answer: None of these
  19. The angle between centripetal force and centrifugal force, for a body moving in a circle is
    45 degree
    None of these
    Answer: 180
  20. A well known fact is that work done by the centripetal force is zero since speed remains constant during circular motion, what about K.E. during the same circular motion?
    Of course it is zero as well.
    It remains constant.
    It does not remains constant.
    None of these
    Answer: It remains constant.
  21. A body of mass 50 kg is standing in a lift. What happens to mass of the body when the lift is going up and is about to stop at 3rd floor?
    Remains same
    None of these
    Answer: Remains same
  22. If the lift moves upward with a deceleration, having a person standing still in the lift, what will happen to the Real weight of the person?
    Remains same
    None of these
    Answer: Remains same
  23. The ratio of displacement along diameter of circle and total distance along a semi-circle is:
    1: π
    π : 1
    1 : 1
    None of these
    Answer: None of these
  24. Bernoulli’s equation was derived in today’s known form, by
    Daniel Bernoulli
    first wife of Daniel Bernoulli
    second wife of Daniel Bernoulli
    L. Euler
    Answer: L. Euler
  25. [PPSC 2022] The terms (other than pressure) in Bernoulli equation have the dimension of:
    Pressure Gradient
    Velocity Gradient
    Modulus of Elasticity
    None of these
    Answer: Modulus of Elasticity

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