GK – Oneliner 389
The UNO University is located at: Tokyo The UNO library is located at: New York The smallest UNO member in terms of population is: Nauru The smallest UNO member in terms…
The UNO University is located at: Tokyo The UNO library is located at: New York The smallest UNO member in terms of population is: Nauru The smallest UNO member in terms…
First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan is related to___________Demarcation of border of Pakistan The term of President and Vice President of UNO General Assembly is for: 1 Year The main…
In Sedimentary rocks limestone is found. Wind flow around areas of high pressure in the Northern Hemisphere in clockwise direction. Sedimentary rocks are porous. Desert movement is the resultant feature of…
The second most abundant metal found in the earth’s crust is Aluminum. Algae is responsible for the largest amount of oxygen of earth. The blanket of air which surrounds the earth…
When the days and nights are equal the rays of the sun directly fall on the equator. Crust is earth outer layer. Heat of sun-rays to earth is reduced by ozone…
The Aurora Borealis occurs in the Exosphere. The world has been divided into 24 time zones. Zero longitude on the Greenland is known as Prime Meridian. Al-Biruni discovered the radius of…
Copernicus the Scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun. The distance of a place south or north of equator is called latitude. The belt of low atmospheric…
Sir James Clark the first person who located the Magnetic Pole in 1831. Silicon is the most abundantly found metal on the Earth’s surface. The term that best describes the shape…
Day and night are equal at the Equator. The dates on which day and night is equal 21st March and 23rd September. Lunar eclipse occurs on full moon. Lunar sea refers…
Fear of Height: Acrophobia Which Element is common to all Acids? Hydrogen Which Element is called the Earth maker? Silicon Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is_________92 U 235…