GK – Oneliner 48
Pakistan won cricket world cup in: 1992 Which player remain champion in squash for 5 years: Jahangir Khan Which country is situated in both Asia and Africa: Egypt Keti Bunder is…
Pakistan won cricket world cup in: 1992 Which player remain champion in squash for 5 years: Jahangir Khan Which country is situated in both Asia and Africa: Egypt Keti Bunder is…
Great bear is a : Lake First ruler of slave dynasty was: Qutb ud Din aibak Who was the president of USA during Cuban missile U2 incident in 14 October 1962:…
Swat & Chitral Joined Pakistan in 1969 Hunza Joined in 1974 Biggest state was the Kashmir at the Time of Independence Makran acceded to Pakistan on 17 March 1948 Out of…
Steve Jobs: assembly line worker Bill Gates: programmer Michael Dell: dishwasher Jeff Bezos: McDonald’s cook First State to Join Pakistan is Bahawalpur Click for complete file of 300 MCQs
Elon Musk: boiler room cleaner Oprah: grocery clerk Warren Buffett: paperboy Sheryl Sandberg: aerobics teacher Mark Cuban: sold garbage bags Click for complete file of 300 MCQs
Harappa is situated in: Sahiwal Pakistan, the formative phase, book wrote by: Khalid B. Saeed Which gas is used in Airships: Helium The average weight of male brain is: 49 ounce…
Which vitamin obtained from sun: D Which famous actor debut from drama Umrao Jaan Ada in 2003: Imran Abbas Jallianwala bagh massacre is related to which general: Gen.Dyer 13 April 1919…
The purest form of water can be obtained from: Rain water Which gas is used in balloons: Helium The earth rotates around its: Axis Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan got fame due…
NATO founded in: 1949 After leaving American forces who takes the charge of Kabul airport: Turkey The capital of Turkey is: Ankara The capital of Sindh is: Karachi Mound of Dead…
Kashmir valley purchase by Gulab Singh for: 7.5 Million The first woman deputy chairman of senate of Pakistan was: Dr. Noor Jahan The highest peak of koh-e-suleman is: Takht-e-suleman Rawalpindi conspiracy…