GK – Oneliner 14
Who was the last ruler of Lodi Dynasty? Ibrahim Lodhi Name the acid which is present in the sting of ants? Formic Acid In the Interim Government of 1946 the Ministry…
Who was the last ruler of Lodi Dynasty? Ibrahim Lodhi Name the acid which is present in the sting of ants? Formic Acid In the Interim Government of 1946 the Ministry…
Florence city is located in which country? Italy The gas commonly known as Laughing gas is: Nitrous Oxide Which celebrity was awarded Pride of Performance in 2005? Arif Lohar Hemisphere is…
Who among the following was a poet of the Italian Renaissance? A Dante The “Communist Manifesto” was first published in? German The deepest place on earth is ____________? Mariana Trench The…
Fire temple is the place of worship of which of the following religion ? Zoroastrianism (Parsi Religion) Second most populous country in the world is ___________? India Indonesia is situated in:…
Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games in 1958 in: Tokyo First International Peace Congress was held in London in ? 1843 AD Headquarters of UNO are situated at ? New…
First human heart transplant was performed by: Dr. Christian Barnard Polo game originated from __________ Iran World Inventor’s Day is celebrated on _____________9th November World Tuberculosis Day is observed on ____________24th…
Pakistan army has 9 corps. History of God is written by 'Karen Armstrong' Vienna is a city located on: the bank of river Danube PTV started its transmission in: Nov. 26,…
Which key is used to open new tab in internet explorer? CTRL+T Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in _________ Nabvi. 7th The first Ghazwa of Islam is: Abwa Coal…
The main purpose for UN framework convention on climate change is: to reduce emission of CO2 Which method is used for next slide in Powerpoint? Enter, Space & Mouse Which of…
The book Risala Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind was written by: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Which country located in the west of Pakistan: Iran The smallest population country is: Vatican City As of 2017 how…