GK – Oneliner 420

Second highest pass in the world: Namni Pass (Myanmar) Synagogue is the place of worship of: Jews Sharm-el-shiekh seaport in: Egypt Qaid-e-Azam Jinnah, as I knew him: Mirza Ahmad Ispahani City…

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GK – Oneliner 419

MAD is the news agency of which country: Germany World Environment Day: 5 June. Sigmund Freud was an——and the founder of Psychoanalysis: Austrian Muztagh pass connects ________Baltistan with Yarkand Bodpola is…


GK – Oneliner 418

Litani River in: Lebanon Largest fort of Punjab Province: Rohtas Fort Largest fort of Pakistan: Ranikot Fort or The Great Wall of Sindh Broadest strait in the world: Mozambique strait ZIANA'…


GK – Oneliner 417

Hockey: 11 Players Ice Hockey: 6 Players Who was the Viceroy during the time Mr. Attlee of England declared the British intention to transfer power to Indians: Lord Wavell Ummayad Caliphate…