GK Council Series – 60 Days
Click to join Free GK Series GK Council Click Hereجنرل نالج کی بہترین تیاری کے لیے ہمارا چینل فالو کریں DAY - 01 WORK Pak Studies Lecture 01 - History…
Click to join Free GK Series GK Council Click Hereجنرل نالج کی بہترین تیاری کے لیے ہمارا چینل فالو کریں DAY - 01 WORK Pak Studies Lecture 01 - History…
Consumers that eat only meat are __.?a) Carnivoresb) Herbivoresc) Omnivoresd) Decomposer Present opposing arguments or evidence?a) Criticiseb) Rebuffc) Reprimandd) Rebut A person who hates learning and knowledge.?a) Illiterateb) Bibliophilec) Missiologist.d) Misogynist…
Change the voice. “I am known to them.”?a) They know meb) They known to mec) They are know med) They have known to me Change the voice. “They admire the brave.”?a)…
The first SOS village in Pakistan was set up in 1977 at?Question grade : 1 81/100MultanRawalpindiLahoreIslamabad The number of letters in the Urdu language are?Question grade : 1 82/10027373942 on september…
The length of Makran Costal highway is??Question grade : 1 61/100505km590km602650 The only national election held on non-party basis was in?Question grade : 1 62/1001977198519881990 Which was the first missile launched…
The main culprit of Jallianwala bagh tragedy was General?Question grade : 1 41/100KufmannDyerEnrich LudendroffJohn Monash Montagu-Chelmsford reforms introduced a system called?Question grade : 1 42/100MonarchyTheocracyAristocracyDyarchy Congress ministers left the offices in…
In 19th century India, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan launched a struggle against?Question grade : 1 21/100EnglishHindusChristiansIlliteracy In october 1905 partition of Bengal was made for?Question grade : 1 22/100Administrative convenienceHindu Muslim…
.Who was East India Company last governor general in India?Lord CanningJames WilsonSamuel LaingJohn Lawrence After partition of Bengal, the capital of east Bengal and Assam was?DhakkaCalcuttaChittagongSylhett Which was the official language…
ولی نے دلی کا سفر کس مغل بادشاہ کے عہد میں کیا؟?Question grade : 1 1/25اورنگ زیب عالمگیرمحمد شاہان میں سے کوئی نہیں آتش کے کس ہونہار جواں مرگ شاگرد نے…
1-ولی کا دیوان کب دلی پہنچا?Question grade : 1 1/10 17201715 2-تمام محققین متفق ہیں کہ اردو کا ابتدائ نام تھا?Question grade : 1 2/10ہندیریختہہندوستانیکوءی نہیں 3-لباب الالباب کے مصنف ہیں?Question…