TEST CH 14 + CH 15 ( Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction)

  1. when a current carrying conductor is placed magnetic field the force on conductor will be?
    zero when length vector and field are parallel
    half of maximum when length vector and field are at 30 degree
    force will be perpendicular to the plane formed by length and field vector
    all of these
  2. Tesla is equivalent to:?
    Nm per A
    N per m per A
    Wb per m sq
    both b and c

3.If magnetic field is doubled then magnetic energy density becomes:?
9 times
none of these

  1. The brightness of spot on CRO screen is controlled by:?
    none of these
  2. To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter, a high resistance is connected in:?
    in series
    may be both in series or parallel
    none of these
  3. if Rg=50ohm Ig=2mA find the approximate value of resistance by which galvanometer can be converted into voltmeter of range 200 V?
    1000 ohm
  4. if Rg=15ohm Ig=20mA and ammeter of range 10A find the approximate value of resistance by which galvanometer can be converted into ammeter of range 10A?
    none of these
  5. A wire 10m high from the ground carries a current 200A find the magnetic field strength at the ground?
    3 microT
    4 microT
    3 mT
    4 mT
  6. Two wires carrying current in same direction will?
    attract each other
    will repel each other
  7. Two loops carrying current in same direction will?
    repel each other
    will attract each other
  8. The torque on a current carrying coil will be maximum when plane of the coil will be?
    perpendicular to the field lines
    parallel to the field lines
  9. by the decreasing length and increasing the diameter of suspension wire of galvanometer sensitivity will?
    remains same
    none of these
  10. In e.m induction if the resistance of the loop is increased then induced emf will be?
    remains same
    none of these
  11. if rod moves towards and magnetic field will be pointed out of the paper then direction of flow of induced current will be?
    clockwise in the loop
    no current will flow
  12. A copper falling through a region where field is out of the paper then direction of current while entering and existing the field region will be?
    anticlockwise, clockwise
    clockwise, anticlockwise
    no current will flow while entering of existing
  13. Lenz law is in accordance with law of conservation of?
  14. if current is flowing clockwise in primary coil then current will flow in secondary coil will be?
    none of these
  15. The ratio of emf induced in coil to the time rate of change in current in same coil is called?
    Mutual inductance
    Self induction
  16. if current in the coil is decreased then induced emf will?
    Oppose and decrease the applied emf
    Will aid the applied emf and will try to increase current
    May be both
  17. As resistance behave in A.C Circuits Inductor Behaves in D.C circuits. Is this statement is?
  18. When the plane of coil will be perpendicular to field the induced emf in the coil of generatro will be?
    May be both
  19. If the output of A.C is connected to a motor having split rings then motor will?
    Rotate smoothly
    Reversed after half cycle
    Will not rotate
  20. A generator coil is acted upon by how many torques?
    Question grade : 1


  1. If 24 volts are applied to motor and back emf induces is 22.5 volts then at normal speed what will the current in coil when resistance of coil is 2 ohms?
    Question grade : 1

12 A

  1. If main supply is 240V and we have to operate 12V, 30W lamp , what will be the transformation ratio?
    Question grade : 1


  1. If core material is of large hysteresis loop then power loss will?
    Question grade : 1

No effect

  1. Velocity selector uses …. To separate charge particle of certain velocity by?
    Question grade : 1

Electrostatic force
Magnetic force
Lorentz force
None of these

  1. When a rod is moving in a magnetic field such that velocity and field are at right angle to each others how many forces are acting on the rod?
    Question grade : 1


  1. The contribution of horizontal portion of coil in total torque is zero because?
    Question grade : 1

Force on these side is parallel to moment arm
No force is acted on these sides
Force is along the conductor
None of these

  1. To convert a galvanomter into a ohmmeter we need?
    Question grade : 1

A cell
Cell and large resistance
Cell and adjustable resistance
None of these

  1. when a current carrying conductor is placed magnetic field the force on conductor will be all of these Missed
  2. Tesla is equivalent to: both b and c Missed
    3.If magnetic field is doubled then magnetic energy density becomes: none of these Missed
  3. The brightness of spot on CRO screen is controlled by: none of these Missed
  4. To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter, a high resistance is connected in: in series Missed
  5. if Rg=50ohm Ig=2mA find the approximate value of resistance by which galvanometer can be converted into voltmeter of range 200 V 0.1Mohm Missed
  6. if Rg=15ohm Ig=20mA and ammeter of range 10A find the approximate value of resistance by which galvanometer can be converted into ammeter of range 10A 0.03ohm Missed
  7. A wire 10m high from the ground carries a current 200A find the magnetic field strength at the ground 4 microT Missed
  8. Two wires carrying current in same direction will will repel each other Missed
  9. Two loops carrying current in same direction will will attract each other Missed
  10. The torque on a current carrying coil will be maximum when plane of the coil will be parallel to the field lines Missed
  11. by the decreasing length and increasing the diameter of suspension wire of galvanometer sensitivity will decrease Missed
  12. In e.m induction if the resistance of the loop is increased then induced emf will be remains same Missed
  13. if rod moves towards and magnetic field will be pointed out of the paper then direction of flow of induced current will be anticlockwise Missed
  14. A copper falling through a region where field is out of the paper then direction of current while entering and existing the field region will be clockwise, anticlockwise Missed
  15. Lenz law is in accordance with law of conservation of energy Missed
  16. if current is flowing clockwise in primary coil then current will flow in secondary coil will be anticlockwise Missed
  17. The ratio of emf induced in coil to the time rate of change in current in same coil is called None Missed
  18. if current in the coil is decreased then induced emf will Will aid the applied emf and will try to increase current Missed
  19. As resistance behave in A.C Circuits Inductor Behaves in D.C circuits. Is this statement is Incorrect Missed
  20. When the plane of coil will be perpendicular to field the induced emf in the coil of generatro will be Zero Missed
  21. If the output of A.C is connected to a motor having split rings then motor will Rotate smoothly Missed
  22. A generator coil is acted upon by how many torques Two Missed
  23. If 24 volts are applied to motor and back emf induces is 22.5 volts then at normal speed what will the current in coil when resistance of coil is 2 ohms 0.75A Missed
  24. If main supply is 240V and we have to operate 12V, 30W lamp , what will be the transformation ratio 1/20 Missed
  25. If core material is of large hysteresis loop then power loss will Increased Missed
  26. Velocity selector uses …. To separate charge particle of certain velocity by Lorentz force Missed
  27. When a rod is moving in a magnetic field such that velocity and field are at right angle to each others how many forces are acting on the rod 4 Missed
  28. The contribution of horizontal portion of coil in total torque is zero because No force is acted on these sides Missed
  29. To convert a galvanomter into a ohmmeter we need Cell and adjustable resistance Missed

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